Page 7 - Logistics News April 2018
P. 7


             Research helps SA 3PL fi rms

             move towards sustainability

                    New research identifi es
                  enablers and barriers for
                South African 3PL fi rms to
                become more sustainable.

                Figure 1: South African 3PL fi rms’
                 approaches to sustainable SCM.

             THERE IS an increasing pressure on fi rms across   also boasts the most developed contract logistics
             the world to reduce their impact on the planet.   market on the African continent. The environment
             All sectors of business, including supply chain   and context that a 3PL fi rm operates in largely
             management and logistics, need to fi nd ways       aff ects its approach to sustainable SCM. The
             to become more environmentally friendly and       researchers set out to better understand these
             sustainable. Along with this pressure, fi rms      fi rms’ approaches to sustainable SCM, evaluating
             constantly face factors that either enable them to   if their sustainability initiatives were mostly
             be more sustainable or inhibit them from achieving   infl uenced internally or externally.
             sustainable operations. Development of the supply    Nine South African 3PL fi rms were identifi ed
             chain and optimum management thereof cannot       and a range of expected internal and external
             compromise the abilities of future generations.   factors that infl uence fi rms’ approaches to supply
                Sustainable supply chain management (SCM)      chain management sustainability, either enabling
             means that fi rms have a responsibility to take    or restricting in nature, were found. These fi ndings
             care of the environment, while ensuring the social   showcase the fact that South Africa is an emerging
             performance of their suppliers and customers.     and developing country, but also how 3PL fi rms
             While research has been done on the sustainability   are infl uenced and sculpted by the country’s
             eff orts of manufacturers and retailers in the South   intricate past. Further, the new internal and external
             African context, there is a general lack of research   infl uencers identifi ed serve as a contribution to the
             on industry specifi c SCM sustainability. Analysis of   development of this fi eld of research.
             the third-party logistics (3PL) industry’s approach   Some internal factors that all 3PL fi rms said
             to sustainable SCM has received little attention   infl uence their approaches to sustainability were
             until a recent study conducted by the University of   top management, employees and functional
             Pretoria (UP). This study was led by supply chain   issues such as skills. Top management should
             management experts Wesley Niemann, Gregory        lead by example and ensure their decisions are
             Hall and Kyle Olivier and also looked at the future   economically viable and sustainable. Top managers
             of sustainable SCM in the 3PL industry.           should drive their employees to understand
               Logistics services is important in South Africa,   and actively participate in sustainable practices.
             with 11.7 percent of the country’s GDP being      Employees can bring new ideas that can become
             spent on logistics costs every year. South Africa   viable solutions for sustainability, but if they use

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