Page 7 - Logistics News June 2018
P. 7


                         E-commerce at the

             heart of trade facilitation

                                                                                                 By Juanita Maree

               The slogan ‘A secure business environment for economic development’ proposed
                 for 2018 by the Secretary General of the World Customs Organisation (WCO),
              Dr Kunio Mikuriya, aims at creating an environment for business to participate in
                                                   cross-border trade.

            THE FACT that the facilitation of cross-border     Revenue Service (SARS), is moving to address
            trade throughout Africa is at the heart of the     trade facilitation with the implementation of
            vision for a united continent and a platform for   new Customs Acts, which requires interactions
            increasing interaction with the international      within the e-commerce space to be facilitated
            business community highlights the need for raising   electronically from reporting to applications.
            the levels of e-commerce across the board. The        The application of e-commerce, particularly
            emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution – automation  in the customs environment, is having a positive
            and data exchange in manufacturing technologies    impact. In certain areas, it has reduced the
            – taking place around the globe is improving the   turnaround time frames and errors incurred
            entire value chain through the digitalisation of all   compared to the manual process relying totally on
            processes and the integration and improvement of   the ‘human’ factor. It has also led to greater security
            the interdependent processes.                      and a reduction in costs for businesses.
               The impact of this is nowhere more apparent        However, a number of stumbling blocks are
            than in the customs arena with its cross-border    limiting the eff ectiveness of the SARS initiative.
            transactions. In South Africa, as an example,      At the head of this list is that the new reporting
            logistics costs are close to 12 percent as a       requirements for the conveyance of goods covers a
            percentage of GDP (294,8 billion USD  – 2016).     number of players who have not been required to
            The government and its agency, South African       report in the past. Aggravating the circumstances,

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