Page 17 - Logistics News - July August 2022
P. 17
Peak season or seasons?
By Neil Larkens, Director, Transnova Africa
Discover how to adapt your logistics and supply chain operations for multiple waves of peak.
hen is peak season for your business? While a good place for all of the other details. Most supply chains
the answer depends on your industry, use a variety of logistics service providers, transportation
Wproducts, customers and other factors, service providers and other partners. As soon as the chain
chances are that most organisations across the board of custody of a particular order or shipment transfers
would have a different answer today than five or certainly to another party, the degree of visibility changes. As a
10 years ago. The new normal for many businesses is result, many companies have deployed or are considering a
waves of peak throughout the year. Why? The explosion of multi-party supply chain ‘Control Tower’ through which all
e-commerce and the increasing importance of customer activities are coordinated and controlled.
experience have dramatically changed buying patterns and
delivery expectations. 2. Optimise – and then optimise again.
The “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” attitude toward
More peaks, fewer plateaus supply chain management only works well for so long.
One of the biggest challenges transport and logistics Particularly for peak times, there is a clear opportunity
companies face is the evolving retail cycle. Traditionally, to be constantly reviewing and refining processes and
we could expect peaks with Christmas and then the Day of procedures that are not optimal. This starts with having
Goodwill. Now, retailers have embraced a steady calendar quality data – and putting it to work. For example, if a
of events. Sales begin long before Christmas with Black vehicle breaks down on route to make a delivery, often
Friday, Cyber Monday… and the post-holiday sales roll companies call on the nearest driver to step in. While that
into other sales events like Back to School. driver might be closest, adding an additional drop-off
could impact deliveries down the line. Instead, the use of
From a logistics perspective, the peak is smoothing data and analytics in this situation can identify the best
out and many organisations aren’t coping well with the available driver to step in, with minimal impact on other
requirement for a constant level of scalability. What orders.
options do businesses have? Expand drop-shipping or
parcel capabilities? Scramble to find extra drivers? Use 3. Mobile solutions provide benefits from first to last
a gig-economy model for unexpected peak periods? Or mile
simply work longer hours in an attempt to cope with the Mobile capabilities can help to streamline daily processes
increasing demand? and manage shipping spikes across multiple industries,
whilst improving customer experience and satisfaction.
How to get more efficient as supply chains grow With active messaging, dock staff can manage and move
more global and complex products faster through the warehouse, and mobile
Fortunately, there are solutions that can help improve solutions even have the ability to group together multiple
operational efficiency and the smooth flow of goods to put packages for a single customer shipment. Further cross-
businesses in a better position to deal with peak periods. dock capabilities allow for a guided loading process while
simultaneously building a manifest for the driver through
1. Improve visibility item scans, as well as provide real-time item tracking on
Closing the gap in visibility starts with determining goals freight movements. This visibility allows sellers to closely
and assessing your ability to meet those goals. Consider monitor inventory levels and respond to issues and
the following: Does an existing system meet current and opportunities immediately.
future needs for all necessary modes of transportation?
Does it interface well with other systems and can you Businesses can no longer plan for peak to start in L O GI S T I CS NEWS
easily add future interfaces? And, most importantly, does October – with market forces fuelling peak after peak
the system accommodate your business process? If a throughout the year, now is a good time to consider where
business can get this foundation right, it will be starting in to gain efficiency in your supply chain. •
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