Page 5 - Logistics News - July August 2023
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          (2015), quarterly forecasts are off by 13 percent on average. This   AI: The machine can think for itself. Mimicking human
          translates to considerable lost revenue. Any improvement in   intelligence using logic.
          forecast accuracy thus translates directly to improvement in the   ML: Computers can learn by themselves. Machine enabled
          bottom line.                                       to improve at tasks with experience.
                                                                DL: The next evolution of ML. Algorithms programmed to
            Additionally, according to studies by Gartner, 38 percent of   train the machine to perform tasks.
          organisations identify forecast accuracy and demand variability
          as a key obstacle to achieving supply chain goals and objectives,  AI is already in your supply chain
          and 70 percent are experiencing moderate to high demand   AI might feel like something that has not yet been adopted in
          variation compared to the previous year.           the supply chain or your industry, but the fact is that AI is already
                                                             transforming supply chains all around us (Barlow, 2018). Some
          Further challenges with traditional forecasting methods are as   examples include:
          follows:                                              Rolls Royce: Partnered with Google to develop autonomous
          • Unable to extract key patterns and drivers.      ships to safely deliver cargo (Forbes, 2018).
          • Lack of forecast accuracy in the mid to long term.  UPS: Uses an AI-powered tool ORION to create efficient
          • Highly dependent on human judgement.             routes for its fleet, reducing delivery distance by an estimated
          •  Limited to analysing historical demand, unable to account for   100 million miles (Forbes, 2018).
          external factors.                                     IBM Watson: In 2018, IBM launched Watson Supply Chain
          • Unable to model and test ‘what if’ scenarios.    Insights: “Watson Supply Chain Insights includes advanced
                                                             AI capabilities specifically designed to give supply chain
          Demystifying AI                                    professionals greater visibility and insights. Companies can
          For many, the mention of AI conjures up visions of robot armies   combine and correlate the vast swathes of data they possess
          and self-driving cars. Even though robotics and autonomous   with Supply Chain Insights and Watson and see the impact of
          vehicles are exciting applications of AI, there are numerous   external events such as weather and traffic.” (IBM, 2018).
          relevant applications of AI algorithms that are decidedly relevant
          to supply chain practitioners.                        In the Fourth Industrial Revolution, organisations are
                                                             gathering more data than ever before, but data needs to be
          A short history of AI                              translated into information before it can add significant value.
          AI is viewed as a very modern field; however, it has been in   Traditional forecasting techniques such as statistics simply
          existence since the middle of the 20  century. AI techniques and   do not have the ability to leverage the wealth of data we have
          methods have been developed since the 1940s. The famous   access to in today’s business world.
          Turing test, to determine if machines could think, was developed
          by the mathematician Alan Turing in 1950 and the first   Stats and ML: A comparison
          academic conference on the subject was held in 1956 (Smith et   Some might argue that ML is nothing but glorified statistics
          al, 2016).                                         and some might argue that it is a mere subset of statistics. The
                                                             truth is that ML stands on the shoulders of giants: mathematics
            Although the theories and algorithms underpinning AI have   and statistics. ML cannot function without the application
          existed for decades, the processing power of computers (GPUs)   of statistics; however, machine learning is also not equal to
          and availability of data (big data) have only recently caught   statistics.
          up with the calculation and data-intensive requirements of AI
          algorithms.                                           Statistics is defined as follows by Lumen Learning:
                                                             “The science of statistics deals with the collection, analysis,
          AI, ML and DL: terminology decoded                 interpretation and presentation of data.” (2019). Thus, by its very
          What is broadly known as AI consists of several sub-disciplines   definition, statistics is a static representation and interpretation
          that are commonly referred to interchangeably. But artificial   of data. Statistical methods require data to be fed into hard-
          intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL)   coded algorithms containing strict predetermined rules, which
          are not the same thing. All are part of the same scientific field,   generate sets of results that can be interpreted by analysts,
          but with definite differences that need to be considered.  adjusted and resubmitted to the algorithm for improved results.

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