Page 30 - Logistics News - March_April 2022
P. 30
Demand for electric forklifts as
materials handling sector goes green
MATERIALS HANDLING is the backbone of the economy breadth of the economy,”
and an integral part of the logistics industry. “The growth predicts Nemukula.
in demand for electric forklifts as well as the uptick in the This is because electric
economy are drivers of the forklift market,” comments forklifts represent a
Victor Nemukula, MD of Shumani Industrial Equipment, greener, cleaner and
the largest black-owned and managed industrial equipment safer energy source.
supplier in South Africa. Over their lifespan, Victor Nemukula, MD of Shumani
Nemukula notes that the spike in demand is not these forklifts are also Industrial Equipment.
necessarily due to buoyant commodity prices, but the result far more cost-effective to
of unspent capital during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown operate. “Shumani’s focus is more on improving customer
period now being released onto the market. “The future satisfaction using available technology,” adds Nemukula.
of the forklift industry is electric. We are already seeing Communication between technicians on site and back office
a gradual move away from internal combustion engines. staff is integral to ensure a seamless response to customer
Over time, only electric forklifts will operate across the queries and any breakdown issues. •
New digital insurance initiative set to optimise cross-border transit
FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY insurance consultancy Askari could not have come at a better time, especially as we expect
has concluded an agreement with Hollard Mozambique to see an increase in border traffic as the world continues to
Insurance to launch its digital strategy targeting cross- emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.”
border trucking fleets.
The piloting of this digital strategy is the culmination
Vehicles travelling across the South Africa and of many years of strategising by both Hollard and Askari.
Mozambique border must have third-party motor The two companies have worked closely to expand Hollard’s
insurance and the insurance digitisation process completed network across the continent, which now reaches six
in January this year will help to further eliminate potential countries. “Hollard Mozambique has always been aggressive
fraudulent practices while also improving the user in staying at the forefront of creative, client service
experience for customers. driven, technical insurance offerings. Having just acquired
International Commercial and Engineering (ICE) Insurance,
Gary Wild, CEO of Askari, says, “Before embarking on Hollard is now Mozambique’s largest insurer by a significant
this digitisation process, the insurance processes at the margin, so we are delighted to be working with them to
border were paper-based and riddled with inefficiencies. fulfil their strategy,” adds Wild.
Now, the wait for cash to
exchange hands and hard In addition to its fintech developments, Askari is also
copies of policies to be issued a Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)-registered
is a thing of the past and insurance intermediary. Having successfully completed the
everything will happen in real border digitisation project, the company is already thinking
time. Maputo is a massive ahead and will be focusing its attention on expanding the
transit point for South African technology across a wider range of product lines, including
commodities such as chromium online sales, underwriting, credit control and claims
and coal. This transition management. “Our goal is to produce solutions to today’s
to a digital distribution problems while also preparing for future developments,
system represents a major which will ensure we are still relevant three to five years
technological jump forward and from now too,” concludes Wild. •
28 M A RC H/A P R IL 2022 www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a