Page 7 - Logistics News - March_April 2022
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When developing and refining its operation, warranty claims, and, in essence, mean less time for
Ctrack always considers the five keys of fleet the vehicle spent in workshops.
management around which all solutions are
developed. Risk, cost control, fleet utilisation, Driver fatigue is a very serious problem with
operations control and asset control remain at the high demand on production and service delivery.
core of all the solutions that Ctrack offers. By creating a SMILE script to monitor the driving
hours, the Ctrack device can be configured to audibly
Ctrack’s high quality, reliable fleet specific in- alert the driver when driving time limits or distance
cab solutions that operate with Ctrack’s is reached. If the driver chooses to ignore warnings,
On-The-Road application are now also available for the Ctrack technology, through the SMILE script,
mobile Android devices, eliminating the need for a can put the vehicle into limp mode to ensure that the
second piece of hardware inside vehicles. The driver takes the required break.
OTR solution combines navigation and fleet
experience into a platform that integrates A growing threat to the economy and various
with Ctrack’s software platforms for easy data industries is that of jamming. Ctrack’s jamming
extraction. detection technology reacts accordingly by
implementing several mitigating protocols.
The OTR solution allows drivers to complete
their daily tasks as required. Features include The Live Productivity Dashboard, which forms
driver behaviour monitoring, navigation, driver part of the online software suite, provides a 24-hour
status, messaging, task management, voice calls timeline of vehicle or asset movement, allowing for
and behaviour history. This new development saves quick and easy dissemination and management of
operators money whilst empowering their drivers fleets. Users can view the movement and stationary
with a powerful tool in hand. times as well as driving times in a single graphical
Ctrack’s unique software capability, SMILE, is
the perfect solution for challenging operational Ctrack’s Fleet Monitoring Service is a complete
environments and bespoke solutions. With SMILE, outsourcing option of fleet control room activities
operators can create unique efficiency and risk and a perfect solution for managing larger fleets.
outputs that create endless opportunities to Analytics of data while considering highly proficient
measure and solve an operator’s critical KPIs. This hindsight, insight and foresight, and concise
ability creates the option to immediately activate reporting allows for the streamlining of a fleet
risk mitigation actions, reduce risk and improve operation, enabling business owners to spend more
customer service levels. time managing their business.
The same system used within agricultural Real-time support is on hand as dedicated fleet
sectors allows fleet managers to set up geo zones controllers meticulously monitor vehicle movements,
with predefined speed limits on certain routes. route control, incidents, alerts and alarms. Thorough
Speed can be controlled on gravel roads by interrogation and interpretation of data allows for L O GI S T I CS NEWS
activating a speed limiter. These simple yet effective easier decision making and ultimately reduces costs
actions reduce wear and tear on the vehicle, reduce and improves operations. •
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