Page 4 - Logistics News - May June 2022
P. 4


            Supply chain

            tech trends to watch

            These four tech areas have become more ubiquitous in supply chain management and will continue
            to entrench themselves into the foreseeable future.

                     IoT driving business decisions                chain is another way to inform decision-making. Supply
                     One forecast suggests that there will be more than 75   chain data can be predicted based on past history gleaned
                     billion IoT-connected devices in use by 2025, three times as   from the IoT data pixels. AI and IoT solutions work together
                     many as in 2019. On the same timeline,  the IoT market is   to predict problems and offer solutions based on patterns.

                     expected to have a value of $4-trillion.      You should keep an eye out for AI tech solutions such as
                                                                   demand planning and digital twins. Both solutions will be
                        One piece of IoT technology will dominate supply chain   accelerated by the increased availability of data and cloud

                     management, especially cold chain management: smart   environments managing large fleets of edge devices.

                     labels. The IoT-connected smart labels can be attached to

                     products from the point of manufacture to the point of   Automation as a result                            Ctrack Crystal
                     final consumer consumption. Along the way, they collect   The final trend to watch for is automation. Just like AI

                     data and organise it in one place. If the path an item takes   advancements being a natural progression from IoT-
                     along the supply chain were digital art, the data provided by   provided data, automation is a result of data and AI working   Clear and precise fleet data in the palm of your hand.

                     smart labels are like thousands and millions of pixels that,   together. The replacement of repetitive and time-consuming
                     together, paint the big picture.              activities through automation has been an ongoing process
                                                                   for years. It’s nothing new. What is new when it comes to    Crystal’s Innovative Solutions supports managers with
                     Moving from the cloud to the edge             automation and the supply chain, however, is automation’s
                     By using edge platforms and virtualisation technologies,   role in transportation. Transportation automation will   Intelligence on Safety and Risk Mitigation      Efficient Planning with tailored Data Summaries
                     such as virtual machines and containers, applications can   make supply chain professionals with an understanding of

                     be ported between different computer hardware vendors.   data extremely valuable. Automation can happen at a faster   Advanced Driver Assistance                    Inventory & EPOD* Integration
                     Gateway providers and powerful edge devices able to run   rate as professionals within the industry take the data and
                                                                                                                                                                                         Asset Efficiency and Replacement Planning
                     lightweight machine learning will likely emerge in response   implement AI platforms to make decisions.        Vehicle Safety Inspection                             Identify Fleet Risk with Heatmaps*
                     to this move. Cloud providers will certainly continue pushing
              L O GI S T I CS NEWS  and run-time environments on cellular smart labels and   As businesses focus more closely on their supply chains,   * Some product functions not immediately available in Africa. Image for illustration purposes only.
                                                                                                                                    Daily Jobs & On-Route Tasks
                                                                   In a nutshell
                     to the extreme edge with real-time operating systems
                                                                                                                                    Camera AI Data Intelligence
                                                                                                                                                                                          Voice Commands via Mobile Device*
                                                                   executives are realising there are large opportunities for

                                                                   bottom-line impacts. The pathway of IoT-connected devices
                     Advancements in AI
                                                                   feeding AI platforms and automation to arm decision-
                     The use of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in the supply

                                                                   making is entrenched. •

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