Page 17 - Logistics News - September October 2022
P. 17
• Powerful processing and networking capabilities that
provide new levels of information to workers anywhere
in the plant.
Programmable logic controllers (PLC)
PLC is another technology that continues to drive forward
automation. It monitors the various inputs involved in
the performance of machinery and enhances it to a level
that makes manufacturing processes fluid and optimised.
From a technical point of view, it is a special form of
microprocessor-based controller that uses programmable
memory to help store instructions and execute functions
such as logic, sequencing, timing, counting and arithmetic
to control machines and their processes.
It contains central processing unit (CPU), digital
I/O, analogue I/O and communication modules, which
can smoothly operate in an industrial environment –
conditioned to control different process parameters using
the programme written in accordance with the industrial
Importantly, to match the demands of rough
industrial environments, PLCs are designed to be
extremely robust and sturdy, often competent enough
HMI software works as a communication link or to function under unfavourable conditions such as
platform between individual operating machines and unpredictable temperatures, humidity, vibration and
the system to oversee and control operations. Variants noise.
of HMI also transform data from industrial control
systems into visual depictions of these systems that can PLCs can be applied to various mechanical functions
be interpreted by humans for clearer understanding and such as:
analysis. • Cement manufacturing.
• The smart factory.
HMI enables employees to proficiently operate various • Virtual modelling.
complicated machines, which, in turn, offer the following
benefits: Furthermore, many PLCs today offer embedded
• Increased productivity. IIOT protocols and the encryption to provide cloud
• Heightened employee satisfaction and morale. connectivity and digital service.
• Efficient documentation and storing of data.
• Mobile technologies that give workers access to guidance IIOT is undoubtedly revolutionising how companies
or remote expertise wherever they may be working across several industries monitor their operations,
(inside or even outside the facility). ushering in continued advancements in automation L O GI S T I CS NEWS
• Function as powerful edge computers gathering and and smart industry solutions. At the core of these
processing data in real-time to support advanced advancements are technologies such as HMI, PLC and
processes such as predictive maintenance. SCADA. •
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