Page 6 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 6


           or appears as duplicates rather than originals.       Check the criminal history of potential employees
          •  Stock is constantly found near exits or loading   as well as check with previous employers to find out
           bays.                                              how long the person worked there and why they left.
                                                              Trust your gut – if you’re not sure about someone’s
            It is very difficult to prove that someone is guilty   credibility, don’t hire them.
          of warehouse theft without catching the person red-
          handed. It’s much easier to put security measures in   2. Educate employees about company policy on theft.
          place that help you avoid theft altogether.         Make sure all your staff are aware that you have a zero-
                                                              tolerance policy when it comes to theft or fraud. Have
            If you notice any discrepancies, look into them   them sign a code of conduct that clearly outlines how
          immediately. The longer you leave it, the harder it will be   violations will be punished.
          to ascertain whether the missing stock items are lost or
          stolen.                                                Additionally, you can identify anonymous channels
                                                              for staff to report any suspicious activity. If everyone
            It’s easier to do this with decent data: knowing   knows that their colleagues are keeping an eye out, it will
          where your stock is, or isn’t, is critical and from this   deter thieves due to a higher chance of being caught.
          point, we advise taking precautionary measures to
          raise awareness, identify weak points and limit the   3. Deal with thefts immediately, in line with your
          opportunity for theft.                              company policy.
                                                              If you experience a theft, or series of thefts, take a look
          Tips to prevent warehouse theft in your             at your shift register to see who was on duty when the
          business                                            stock went missing. If you begin to notice a pattern
                                                              between missing stock and certain staff members on
          1. Conduct background checks before hiring new      duty, monitor their activity in the warehouse.
          warehouse staff.
          It might seem like a no-brainer, but doing a basic     If you notice any suspicious behaviour (such as
          background check on criminal records will drastically   consistently clocking in or out at odd times), then you
          decrease your chances of warehouse theft.           may need to investigate further. This can be done in
                                                              line with the company policy education and process.
            Gulf Business reports: “Numerous subsets of
          screening services may be included in an employment   4. Maximise managerial visibility in your warehouse.
          background check. Which ones you choose will depend   Having a strong managerial presence on your
          on a whole host of variables, including the nature of   warehouse floor will deter theft. It can, however, be
          your industry, nature of your business, what kind of role   difficult for warehouse managers to spend a lot of time
          you’re hiring for, wherein the corporate hierarchy that   on the floor as many of their duties require a computer.
          role falls and your organisation’s level of risk tolerance.
          Beyond that, you should be mindful of the laws and     Consider investing in a warehouse management
          regulations affecting your organisation.            solution that offers a mobile component; this would
                                                              allow warehouse managers a desk-free solution. The
            The bottom line is that when they’re done properly,   DM Mobile Solution offers a couple of advantages for
          background checks can help ensure the integrity,    managers as they walk the floor:
          fairness and consistency of the hiring process. That’s   •  Systematically record active interactions with
          good for those doing the hiring, of course, but it also   employees, including observations and performance
          benefits honest candidates who are playing by the rules   measurement.
          and giving employers an accurate picture of themselves   •  Review work in the warehouse by wave, job function
          and their qualifications.”                           and task/activity.

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