Page 25 - Warehouse Annual 2022
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            This is not the case under the licence model. In that   often the safest option between the two models when it
         case, the developer’s  main source of revenue  comes   comes to availability.
         from selling  new  versions  of  the  WMS. It,  therefore,
         makes  commercial  sense  for them  to withhold  new   Under a subscription model, service providers commit
         functionalities  until  they can market  a new, complete   to a service-level agreement (SLA) where they guarantee
         version of their WMS. For licensees, this means that they   the system’s uptime. On the other hand, when something
         are at the developer’s mercy  when it  comes  to scaling   goes wrong with an on-premises or privately owned WMS,
         their system. It also means further implementation and   companies must scramble to find the resources to fix the
         integration fees, which adds to the solution’s TCO.   issue. If their IT team is unable to solve the problem, a WMS
                                                             malfunction can severely slow down, if not completely halt,
            There’s yet another, somewhat collateral advantage to   operations for hours as they wait for external support. And
         the SaaS model. With SaaS, a relationship naturally builds   that support, of course, costs money.
         between subscribers and the service provider that enables
         a rich feedback loop. Thanks to constant retroaction from   The takeaway
         users, developers  can scale  the  solution  with  modules   When Microsoft saw that Google’s Workspace, which is
         and  capabilities  that  are  truly  adapted  to their  client’s   only  available  as  SaaS,  was  gaining  on  its  Office  suite,
         real requirements. This is far less likely to happen with   the developer moved its solution to the web and created
         the licence model where the relationship with the vendor   Office 365. Since then, Microsoft has been able to reverse
         often ends once the terms of the contract have been met.   the tide and solidify its share of the market.
         System availability                                   SaaS  solutions  are  not  a  fad.  As  we  have  seen,
         Prospective buyers sometimes worry that a SaaS WMS   TCO,  scalability  and  the  system’s  availability  make  the
         is  more at  risk of becoming unavailable  if something   subscription  model  a  very  attractive  solution.  This  is
         goes wrong than a product that is implemented on local   especially  true for  small  and medium-sized businesses
         servers. That worry is unfounded, as a SaaS solution is   and companies with limited access to capital. •

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