Page 6 - Logistics News March 2018
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Thought Leadership

                      How blockchain and IoT

             can help you track your assets

                                                                By Alexander van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Dennis Martens
                                                                          and Mart Steenhagen, Supply Chain Quarterly

                Tracking asset provenance poses a huge challenge for global supply chains and
              insurance providers. Using blockchain and Internet of things (IoT) technologies in
                     combination offers a solution that could reshape future supply chains.

            THERE ARE huge benefits associated with            reconcile those different versions before a
            being able to track an asset’s provenance,         party is able to act based on that truth.
            or its existence, ownership and control, from         In the supply chain, blockchain can bring
            point of origin to final destination. Identifying   together importers, exporters, insurers, credit-
            and verifying when and where handovers             rating agencies, and logistics and supply chain
            occurred, as well as the condition of assets at    service providers to achieve a single view of
            each point in the chain of custody, is not only    the fi nancing of a shipment. It can also enable
            helpful for improving supply chain visibility,     ‘smart contracts’ – transactions and processes
            but also for insurance purposes.                   that are automatically executed when specifi ed
               This is especially true for high value assets,   conditions are met – to achieve straight-through
            which are often subject to fraudulent activity.    processing (STP), or an automated workfl ow.
            Shipping, insurance and other companies,              The IoT is a network of connected ‘things’,
            however, are currently struggling to validate,     which can include people, objects, equipment
            authenticate and track assets of all kinds as      and devices. ‘Things’ in this network are
            they move along the global supply chain.           equipped with an assigned Internet protocol
            The combination of two relatively new              (IP) address so that they can transfer data over
            technologies – blockchain and the Internet         the Internet and communicate with other parties
            of things (IoT) – holds great potential for        or devices within the network. For example,
            addressing this difficult problem.                 shipping containers could have sensors that are
                                                               connected through the IoT to gauge factors like
            What are blockchain and the IoT?                   location, temperature, humidity, light, impact,
            While originally developed to deal with            door closed/open and more. These sensors
            cryptographic transactions, a blockchain           can be built-in or added to the container. In
            is essentially a constantly updating and           the same vein, conveyances such as trucks, rail,
            incorruptible database that enables parties        ships, and aircraft could be equipped with GPS
            who might not trust each other or do not           tracking devices that show the location of the
            interact on a regular basis to have a shared       vehicle. This information can be used to analyse
            perception of the truth. Because blockchain        in real time what routes make the most sense
            technology is cryptographically secure and         and when or where delays are likely to take
            stores data indefinitely, data is virtually        place given current traffi  c or weather data.
            tamper-proof, increasing transparency and
            accuracy. Blockchains are also automatically       Using blockchain + IoT for asset
            kept in sync in terms of record keeping,           provenance
            therefore removing the risk of human error. It     Blockchain’s potential for transparency
            is a validated and transparent database that       and accuracy paired with the power of IoT
            cannot be altered by one party without the         and data analytics could truly revolutionise
            rest of the chain knowing. This aspect of the      asset provenance. Recent advances in
            technology solves the problem of multiple          sensor technologies have made them
            parties holding ‘siloed’ versions of the           smaller and cheaper, and therefore more
            truth on their own systems, and it reduces         accessible. These sensors are able to process
            the large number of processes required to          a plethora of data in real time. That data

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