Page 11 - Logistics News - Issue 02 - 2024
P. 11


            Real-time visibility. Companies no longer need to hold their   Continuous improvement. Data is the lifeblood of
          breath, anxiously awaiting updates on their cargo. Real-time   improvement. These tools capture valuable data on
          tracking offered by TMS solutions reveals the exact location   routes, performance and costs, providing insights for
          of shipments, providing peace of mind and enabling proactive   both manufacturers and transporters to continuously
          interventions in case of delays or unforeseen events.  optimise their operations and identify areas for further
                                                              cost reduction.
          Transporters: mobile apps fuelling
          operational ef ciency                               The road ahead: embracing technology for a
          For South African transporters, mobile apps have become more   collaborative future
          than just convenient tools, they are catalysts for operational   By embracing technology and putting the right business
          efficiency and cost reduction.                      processes in place, manufacturers and transporters can
                                                              transform the South African logistics landscape from a
            Driver management. Apps can streamline driver     minefield of inefficiencies into a highway of cost-effective
          communication, dispatch assignments and track hours of   excellence. Collaboration, data-driven decisions and shared
          service, ensuring compliance and optimising driver resource   commitment to digital solutions are the cornerstones of future
          allocation. This promotes driver satisfaction, minimises overtime   success.
          costs and enhances overall efficiency.
                                                                 The future belongs to those companies that embrace
            Paperless workflows. Ditch the mountains of       innovation and agility. In the face of rising costs and a dynamic
          paperwork. Mobile apps enable digital document capture,   economic landscape, South African logistics can only thrive by
          invoice processing and expense management, eliminating   harnessing the power of technology, one TMS platform, one
          manual effort and reducing administrative costs. This   mobile app and one real-time data point at a time.
          translates to faster turnaround times, improved accuracy
          and happier drivers.                                   Let’s pave the way for a future where transport costs are
                                                              not roadblocks, but catalysts for growth, spurred by the shared
            Predictive maintenance. Proactive maintenance is key to   vision of a lean, efficient and globally competitive South African
          avoiding costly breakdowns and delays. Mobile apps with AI-  logistics ecosystem.
          powered features can monitor vehicle health, predict potential
          issues and schedule preventive maintenance, minimising   The South African context: a call for
          downtime and maximising vehicle uptime.             collective action
                                                              The unique challenges of the South African landscape demand
          Real-time execution management tools: a             a collective approach to tackling transport costs. Government
          shared vision for success                           intervention in infrastructure development, crime reduction and
          For both manufacturers and transporters, real-time execution   fuel price regulation can provide a much-needed boost.
          management tools act as a bridge, fostering seamless
          collaboration and cost-effective execution.            Manufacturers and transporters can collaborate to
                                                              advocate for these changes while fostering a culture of open
            Shared visibility. A single platform allows both parties to   communication and transparency within the industry. By
          see the same real-time data on shipments, enabling proactive   working together, the industry can create a more efficient and
          problem-solving and efficient communication. This promotes   cost-effective transport ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders
          trust, builds strong partnerships and eliminates finger-pointing in   and drives South Africa’s economic growth.
          case of delays or issues.
                                                                 In conclusion, by embracing transparency, leveraging
            Exception management. Unexpected events are inevitable.   technology and fostering collaboration, we can unlock cost-
          Real-time software solutions provide instant alerts for deviations   saving opportunities and build a more resilient and competitive
          from planned routes, delays or potential security threats. This   logistics sector. Only then can we truly harness the power of
          allows both parties to react quickly, minimise disruptions and   efficient transport to drive South Africa’s economic engine
          mitigate potential losses.                          forward. •

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