Page 16 - Logistics News - June/July 2021
P. 16
Advanced logistics critical to staying
ahead of new COVID-19 variants
By Daniel Dombach, Director, EMEA Industry Solutions, Zebra Technologies
The COVID-19 vaccine rollout is the biggest logistics challenge of our generation, but digital solutions
exist that will help us succeed.
fter a year of lockdowns, there is hope at last. black holes with digital technologies also helps to increase
Over 900 million COVID-19 vaccines have been efficiency, speed and accountability. Real-time track and trace
Aadministered worldwide, and the global rollout technology; smart, handheld mobile computers and tablets;
continues to accelerate. This is good news, as there have highly accurate barcode scanners; temperature-monitoring
been positive signs of impact in countries where uptake sensors; next-generation analytics – properly integrated,
has been highest. For example, one study found the Pfizer these can help every company and individual involved in
BioNTech vaccine rollout in Israel has helped reduce cases the distribution and administration of COVID-19 vaccines
by 94 percent. confidently and accurately execute key actions.
However, the pandemic is far from over. Several new virus Supply chain transparency is key
variants have emerged across multiple continents over the last Every step in the vaccine distribution process – and each
six months, with some appearing to be more transmissible or handoff between suppliers, distributors, logistics providers
resistant to early vaccine formulations. Despite severe travel and administration site staff – increases the risk of vaccine
restrictions and quarantines, the B.1.1.7 COVID-19 variant damage, delay or even loss. But with the right Internet of
that first emerged in the UK in late 2020 became the most things (IoT) technology in place to maintain first-to-last-mile
dominant strain in the United States by April, the Centers for supply chain visibility, many of these issues can be mitigated.
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently confirmed.
For example, affixing wireless track and trace devices
And scientists have said there is greater potential such as radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and
for dangerous new strains to appear the longer we allow electronic data loggers to the pallets and packaging used
COVID-19 to spread. That means accelerating the global to ship vaccines can enable both location and temperature
vaccine rollout with extreme efficiency is more essential than data, respectively, to be collected and shared among those
ever. charged with logistics planning and reporting. Depending
on the type of technology used, the data may be aggregated
Logistics challenges such as supply chain gaps, vaccine and distributed via the cloud in easy-to-understand graphs.
output variability and a lack of transparency from fragmented In other instances, the data might be available for download
health care and administrative bodies have delayed and onto mobile apps via Bluetooth enabled devices upon arrival
disrupted vaccine drives in both developing nations and the at a destination. Either way, location technology is key to
wealthiest European countries. Consequently, advanced achieving:
logistics and tracking technology has become vital in helping • Fast confirmation of shipment status at every hand-off
to overcome these difficulties. • Enhanced teamwork across multiple logistics and health
L O GI S T I CS NEWS and administration processes, it becomes easier to make • Better identification and resolution of bottlenecks
care providers.
If we can digitise every step of the vaccine distribution
critical supply chain links. This, in turn, helps to improve
impacting vaccine distribution and administration.
coordination among stakeholders – many of whom may have
• Confidence in the performance of the cold chain.
never worked together before this effort. Eliminating data
14 JUNE/JULY 2021 However, logistics monitoring – and vaccine temperature
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