Page 17 - Logistics News - June/July 2021
P. 17


          monitoring – doesn’t stop once vaccines arrive at their final   data to confirm identity, synchronise records and even read
          destinations.                                 data on a vaccine credential to confirm first dose information
                                                        before a second dose is administered. The less time spent on
          Combining tech and data to streamline point of care  manually completing paperwork, the more time staff can
          We’re familiar with the ‘last mile’ concept in logistics. But,   commit to other high-value tasks that are key to increasing
          when it comes to achieving an efficient vaccine rollout, it’s   vaccination appointment volume. Also, automating data
          critical to recognise that this extends beyond the doorway   capture like this reduces the risk of data input errors and
          threshold and all the way to the vaccination station, which   misinformed patient care actions.
          could be inside a grocery store or individual’s vehicle in a
          parking lot. Therefore, health care providers and others   Of course, the digital capture and distribution of
          hosting vaccination clinics must have the same visibility into   information captured by electronic data loggers located in
          distribution operations as traditional supply chain logistics   freezers and refrigerators also makes it easy for facility staff
          managers. Furthermore, they need technology tools that   to monitor and verify that the proper temperature is being
          allow them to securely collect, store and share patient records   maintained for vaccines on hand without having to physically
          (i.e. vaccine credentials), daily vaccination figures, potential   check the temperature on a regular cadence. If an excursion
          side effects of various vaccines, fluctuating supply levels (to   occurs, they will be able to quickly investigate and take
          include inventory use/waste) and even storage temperature   appropriate actions to mitigate further inventory losses. If
          once the vaccines have been delivered.        doses do have to be disposed of, patients can be notified before
                                                        they arrive for their appointments and rescheduled accordingly.
            That’s a daunting challenge when point of care facilities
          in national vaccination drives can range from the largest   Cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI)-based prescriptive
          hospitals and sports stadiums to local pharmacies, schools   analytics solutions can also be deployed with workforce
          and places of worship. Not all of these sites traditionally have   management applications to quickly forecast first-dose
          the technology resources needed for real-time data collection   demand, inform second-dose appointment planning and
          – and not all are digitally connected to government and   help define both supplies and labour requirements as vaccine
          public health agency databases (yet).         availability and appointment volume fluctuate.

            How do we link them all to establish a baseline   The takeaway
          system of high-quality data accessible across such diverse   The COVID-19 vaccine rollout is the biggest logistics
          administration facilities? In a perfect world, every site would   challenge of our generation, but digital solutions exist that
          have mobile computers, tablets and wireless printers built   will help us succeed. Used together, real-time track and
          for health care or enterprise use. RFID-enabled mobile   trace technology, enterprise-grade mobile computers and
          handhelds can quickly capture data about vaccine inventory   cloud-based prescriptive analytics software can optimise   L O GI S T I CS NEWS
          and other medical supplies (i.e. needles and personal   vaccine distribution and administration so that we can, in
          protective equipment) that have been properly tagged.   turn, execute an effective global campaign that will curb
          Barcode scanning devices can help staff retrieve a patient’s   this pandemic. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                       JUNE/JULY 2021        15
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