Page 5 - Logistics News - June/July 2021
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eff ectively, effi ciently and safely, and allow fl eet operators and messaging, allowing the driver to focus on the task
to manage drivers, asset access and driver behaviour across at hand, which is driving the vehicle safely, while having
multiple vehicles and assets remotely. access to all the information needed to do their job in an
effi cient manner.
Data leads to change
Th e data harvested from these systems makes it possible to Various camera options further allow live video and
upskill operators and ensure the safety of both workforce replays of incidents on the road that could support and
and assets. Fleet managers can provide direct operator reduce insurance claims, including supporting possible
behaviour feedback to their staff using indicators through litigation against your company and the driver involved in
Ctrack software applications visible on mobile devices as such cases.
well as vehicle in-cab peripherals or electronic data sets.
Engine performance monitoring ensures that the
Innovati ve driver management soluti ons vehicle is driven effi ciently by keeping an eye on engine
Ctrack’s driver management solutions allow companies speed and will also alert fl eet managers to excessive periods
to accurately identify, control and manage their drivers. of idling.
Integration with peripherals such as breathalysers prevents
access to vehicles from intoxicated drivers, and safety Th e Driver Mobi application allows drivers to view their
requirements such as the failure to wear seatbelts can also driver behaviour scores and complete their logbook by
be reported. marking journeys as business or private, as well as conduct
vehicle checks before start-ups via their smartphone.
Drivers can be identifi ed through various mechanisms
such as the Dallas iButton, RFID Cards and even virtual Ctrack has industry solutions to track a variety
driver pins. Driving behaviour monitoring then ensures of assets, including cars, trucks, trailers, containers,
that the correct person is behind the wheel and that your generators, packages and confi dential deliveries, which
vehicle is being driven in a satisfactory manner with is why Ctrack is a one-stop shop for all your fl eet
parameters that keep an eye on factors such as speed, harsh management needs.
braking, irregular stops and many more.
For an in-depth analysis of your business
Th e in-cab driver display unit aids the driver with requirements, contact Ctrack on 0860 333 444 or visit
critical information such as job dispatching, navigation •
JUNE/JULY 2021Y 2021
www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z awww .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a JUNE/JUL 3 3