Page 8 - Logistics News - June/July 2021
P. 8
To achieve the full value of the CSCO role, companies must be a leader in the standardisation of common
should keep three key elements in mind: technology platforms that enable enterprise flexibility
while providing the ability to address potential issues
• Strategic leadership. To some extent, this role at ‘the edge’ or ‘last mile’.
will have to be elevated above the traditional C-suite
to oversee all components of the business. Because • Culture fit. Ultimately, the CSCO role is one centred
the supply chain has touchpoints in so many areas, around change management, as it fundamentally
the CSCO will oversee all the ripple effects across requires the rethinking of operations across the
programmes and teams, ranging from procurement, organisation. The CSCO will need to possess the ability
purchasing, sourcing and logistics to legal, to mobilise people and encourage innovation, rather
manufacturing, finance and product development. The than staying comfortable with antiquated technology
CSCO will also play a role in change management, as and procedures. Leading by example and working
it fundamentally requires asking people to approach alongside other C-suite roles, the CSCO will also
things differently. In this way, the CSCO will play a shape a vision for the future, promoting continuous
strategic role not just within supply chain operations, improvements to push the culture toward innovation.
but across the business as a whole.
The CSCO role has the opportunity to be extremely
• Technology expertise. With the responsibility of valuable to businesses, particularly in the wake of the
working across the organisation and breaking down large-scale disruptions we’ve seen in recent years.
silos, the CSCO will need domain knowledge of tools Organisations that invest in the role and go beyond
and systems. The role will be a stakeholder in how ‘checking the box’ will gain increased visibility not just
the business buys and implements new technology to across supply chain operations, but throughout the
coordinate the use of data and cross-functional team business. This visibility will be key not just for long-term
collaboration. In an effort to prepare for the unknown, supply chain sustainability and resilience, but for any
many companies will continue to embrace agile organisation to be truly collaborative in the pursuit of
technology such as low-code/no-code, and the CSCO innovation. •
6 JUNE/JULY 2021 www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a