Page 13 - Logistics News - March_April 2022
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Now we have some background to SCM, let’s look at audit, new supplier relationships to manage, new people
the reasons why you should consider this field for your to meet and new problems to solve.
full-time career.
4. Demand for supply chain professionals is
1. You can choose your industry growing
The supply chain is a major part of business today, As the global economy continues to grow, low and
but it is more accurate to say that it is an industry middle income countries continue to catch up to high
in itself. While that is true to some extent, there’s a income nations in terms of consumption, which requires
difference between working in supply chain supply chains to be more robust. The demand for raw
and working within a supply chain in a specific materials is increasing, warehousing needs are changing
industry. and logistics management is becoming more complex.
There are many different routes you can take This is resulting in a greater demand for highly skilled
to shape your career. With supply chains in almost supply chain professionals and more opportunities.
every industry, you can work with a company you’re
passionate about and still have a role in the supply 5. Jobs deliver tangible outcomes
chain. A job in supply chain can give you a vital role Low levels of job satisfaction can be attributed to a lack
in ensuring others who love those products get what of a sense of achievement, according to many studies.
they need when they need them. This will give you the In supply chain management, you get to see your work
opportunity to explore opportunities in both B2B and come to fruition in the real world, which often leads to a
B2C supply chains. greater sense of achievement.
2. Diversity of supply chain roles 6. Opportunities to travel
Deciding you want to work in supply chain management If you’re managing global supply chains, you may get
is just the start. Supply chains have many moving parts, the chance to travel pretty often and see many different
which means there are many different roles available. parts of the world. Although the trips will be more work
When you work in supply chain management, you than sightseeing, supply chain jobs can offer an array of
could be: international opportunities.
• A procurement manager, working alongside supply
chain planners sourcing raw materials. 7. Potential low barriers to entry
• Working in warehousing. While you need post-graduate or industry-specific
• An inventory management specialist. qualifications for many high paying fields, for supply
• A distribution network planner. chain roles, having a bachelor’s degree is enough to
• Involved in delivery fulfilment, either in terms of bulk get started. Some companies may not ask for any
freight or customer deliveries. qualification. Employers often provide practical training,
• Overseeing optimisation of the broader value chain. which can make you an expert in your field.
3. In supply chain operations, every day is 8. Supply chain and logistics management is
different increasingly tech driven
As a result of the way supply chains work, no two days If you’re a young person starting to work, you probably
will ever be the same. While this is true even of simple value how tech helps your career and self-development.
supply chains, complex global supply chains are even Logistics and supply chain management is increasingly
more diverse. As a result, you will never get bored with technology based as well as having the need for skilled L O GI S T I CS NEWS
going to the office and doing the same thing every day individuals. Automation will play a role, but there will
between 9 and 5. Rather, there will be new challenges, always be need for experts in the field, so it’s a good
new ways of working, new suppliers to identify and combination of tech and self-development. •
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