Page 4 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 4


            Protect your business

            and its reputation

                                            By Louise Woodburn, General Manager of KBC Risk Solutions

            Find out how occupational health and safety (OHS) service providers can eliminate
            negative publicity.

                           lobally, 2.78 million workers die every year in   may also believe that safety regulations are unnecessary
                           occupational accidents, while 374 million suffer   or overly burdensome and that they can rely on common
                    G from non-fatal accidents on the job. With workplace   sense or personal responsibility to keep employees safe.
                     incidents regularly making headline news, organisations   Finally, some businesses may mistakenly believe that
                     can no longer downplay their occupational health and safety   safety regulations are purely a legal requirement and fail to
                     responsibilities. Not only do these incidents negatively affect   recognise the value of safety in promoting employee well-
                     the reputation of the business for years to come, but also   being, job satisfaction and retention.
                     their ability to apply for funding, contracts or tenders (the
                     Internet never forgets).                      Putting safety at the top of the agenda
                                                                   Partnering with a health and safety partner is one of the
                        Workplace safety must be prioritised. The safety and   clearest indications that an organisation is committed
                     well-being of employees ensure a healthy and productive   to employee well-being. It is an effective means for
                     workforce while helping to protect businesses from costly   organisations to step up their safety focus to achieve
                     lawsuits, damaged reputations and downtime. However,   compliance and improve their health and safety records.
                     establishing a culture of safety and shifting the perception   Using an OHS service provider that delivers customised,
                     of risk is not always easy. Many businesses struggle to   highly relevant training programmes tailored to the specific
                     implement effective safety measures that protect their   needs of the business, leadership can ensure that employees
                     employees and their bottom line, but this is where   are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills
                     occupational health and safety (OHS) service providers can   to perform their jobs safely. OHS service providers also
                     help businesses to flip the script. OHS service providers   provide a fresh perspective by helping businesses to identify
                     can be instrumental in establishing a culture of safety by   and mitigate potential hazards in the workplace, such as
                     enabling business leaders to prioritise employee health and   ergonomic issues, hazardous materials or electrical hazards.
                     safety and providing them with the knowledge and tools   By addressing these issues proactively, businesses can reduce
                     they need to create a safer, healthier workplace.   the likelihood of accidents or injuries occurring and can
                                                                   create a safer work environment for their employees.
                     Clearing up white-collar misconceptions
                     There are several common misconceptions that businesses   In addition to helping companies achieve compliance
                     may have about health and safety regulations from a   and reduce risk, partnering with a training provider can
                     white-collar perspective. One of the most prevalent   also improve the health and safety record of the business
              L O GI S T I CS NEWS  apply to high-risk industries such as construction or mining   can work with employees to develop safety policies
                     misconceptions is that workplace safety regulations only
                                                                   by promoting a culture of safety. OHS service providers
                     and that office-based businesses are exempt from these
                                                                   and procedures (collaboration is important to create a
                     regulations. Another misconception is that implementing
                                                                   sense of ownership) while communicating these policies
                     safety measures will be too expensive and time-consuming
                                                                   effectively to employees. In achieving a safety-first mindset
                     and will negatively impact productivity. Some businesses

             2      M A RC H/A P R IL 2023                         among its workforce by prioritising employee health and
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