Page 5 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
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          safety, a business can increase employee satisfaction and   listen to feedback from businesses and adapt their training
          retention, and reduce absenteeism and health care costs,   programmes accordingly. Businesses must look for a
          while enhancing its reputation as a responsible and caring   training provider who is responsive and willing to work
          employer.                                       collaboratively to ensure that their training programmes
                                                          are effective, and open communication must always be a
          Safety first, results follow                    top priority.
          Selecting the right OHS service provider with which to   5. Results: Finally, businesses should evaluate the
          partner is essential to ensure that businesses receive   effectiveness of the OHS service provider by measuring
          the necessary training, support and motivation to   the results of their training programmes. This could take
          establish a culture of safety in the workplace. To   the form of tracking injury rates, considering employee
          make the right decision, businesses must consider the   feedback or looking into other metrics that demonstrate
          following factors:                              the impact of training on employee behaviour and
          1. Customisation: The OHS service provider should offer   workplace safety.
           customised training programmes that are tailored to the
           specific needs and requirements of the business. One-  Taking responsibility for safety
           size-fits-all training programmes will not be effective and   By partnering with a dedicated, expert OHS service provider,
           a good OHS service provider will work with businesses   companies acknowledge that safety is an issue that is bigger
           to develop a training programme that is relevant to their   than the business itself. As such, it is necessary to give it due
           specific needs.                              respect by letting the professionals handle it. In allowing
          2. Expertise: The OHS service provider must have the   a specialist OHS service provider to handle occupational
           necessary expertise and experience in delivering safety   health and safety training and compliance, businesses
           training programmes in the industry relevant to the   ensure that they are always up to date on the latest safety
           business. It must have qualified instructors who are   regulations and best practices, and rest assured that their
           knowledgeable and experienced in their field and who can   safety procedures are in line with industry standards.
           provide guidance and support to employees as needed.  Organisations will know that they have chosen the right
          3. Relevance: Safety regulations and best practices in South   OHS service provider because the provider will simplify
           Africa are constantly updated. The OHS  provider must   safety procedures, effectively communicate the importance   L O GI S T I CS NEWS
           be on top of these updates and its training programmes   of a safety-first culture and obtain buy-in and commitment
           should reflect this.                         from employees at every level. In short, with the right OHS
          4. Feedback: The OHS service provider must be willing to   partner, safety will make sense. •

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