Page 27 - Logistics News - May June 2022
P. 27


            Warehousing leaders need to be aware that if they want   is done simply because most of the networking tools needed
          to embrace data science and AI, they need to take the first   are made available right in your cloud project. The cloud
          step of embracing the cloud for data services.  removes the need for vendors to spend valuable time getting
                                                        up to speed with on-premise, sometimes in-house built,
          Database technologies                         infrastructure.
          The top three cloud providers (Azure, AWS and GCP) all
          specialise in state-of-the-art database technologies that   Given the hype around cloud technologies, why
          modern ML workflows rely on for fast processing of large   wouldn’t every supply chain leader push their departments
          amounts of data. Utilising the cloud offers organisations   into the cloud? Top concerns we hear from our customers
          access to this infrastructure and this has democratised, to   centre around data security and preventing unauthorised
          some degree, the use of AI.                   access to their data. Leaders fear that if they move their
                                                        data into the cloud, they’re leaving themselves exposed
            On-premise solutions do exist, but they can be very   to cyber and ransomware attacks that could cripple their
          costly if you don’t have the tech talent to support in-house   businesses.
          infrastructure. Talent shortages can add even more risk to
          an in-house solution in cases when your primary tech lead   The reality is that cloud providers have been providing
          leaves for a new job and you struggle to replace the talent.   data services to health care companies and governments
                                                        with highly sensitive data for years with varying levels of
            During times of scaling up workflows, the cloud can   desired security. If you require data security, every cloud
          handle large datasets and you won’t need to purchase   provider has the ability to offer the level of security you
          additional hardware for maintenance. The buying and   need, with teams of experts who are fully dedicated to
          managing of equipment are done by the cloud service   providing cutting-edge security compared to in-house IT
          provider. This will save you in upfront capital costs and also   teams.
          ongoing hardware maintenance costs.
                                                        Embracing transformation
          Centralised data                              In summary, we’ve explored some of the key reasons why
          Data silos are one of the most painful problems to work   the cloud is important to AI and ML adoption and even
          through as a data scientist and can lead to projects coming   some of the reasons why people are hesitant to move
          in over budget and late. As a data scientist, nothing makes   into the cloud. In short, AI and ML have the potential
          me happier than working with a customer who has taken   to transform warehouse operations for very little cost
          the time to centralise data infrastructure because I know I’ll   compared to alternatives.
          be able to get access to required data without issues. When
          data is siloed throughout an organisation, it can be difficult,   Cloud works on the principle of ‘pay for what you need’.
          if not impossible, to get the data required for a particular   The cloud’s pay-per-use model is good for companies who
          project. The cloud offers several solutions to help companies   wish to leverage ML capabilities without much expenditure.
          centralise their data and maintain security and permissions.
                                                           The really exciting thing about the cloud is the way that
            Engineering set-up and integrations make up a large   it allows for collaboration. The more data in the system, the
          portion of the cost of purchasing vendor AI technology.   better the intelligence and learnings that can be gleaned
          You will need to provide specific hardware and operating   from it. Data-rich, real time, constantly enhanced and
          systems, and install required software and packages in order   optimised. With AI and ML insights powered by the cloud,
          to conform to the needs of each vendor. This can cause   the enhancements to your core processes and procedures
          several headaches and slow down implementations, which   can be transformational.
          will drive up costs.                                                                               L O GI S T I CS NEWS
                                                           If business leaders are serious about adopting AI within
            When both parties are already working in the cloud,   their warehouses, they will need to get serious about cloud
          there is a clear path to production for those AI services. This   adoption too. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                        M A Y/JUNE 2022      25
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