Page 29 - Logistics News - May June 2022
P. 29
Dis-Chem’s online orders get a massive Picup
DIS-CHEM HAS experienced a massive shot in A great enabler of Dis-Chem’s ability to service
the online arm thanks to the implementation its e-commerce customers faster has been Picup, a
of smart logistics technology. Since adopting subsidiary of Karooooo. This smart logistics
Picup’s software in March 2020, the company technology is plugged into the Dis-Chem system
has grown its delivery orders from between through API integration and enables the pharmacy
6,000 to 8,000 a month to around 89,000 group to dispatch online dispensary, front shop
orders at the height of COVID-19. While some and telephonic orders faster. Dis-Chem dispatches
consumers have returned to physical stores to both over-the-counter goods and prescribed
Picup CEO Antonio
browse and buy, Dis-Chem’s online orders have medication using Picup’s delivery fleet, together
remained strong, pointing to significant growth with its own 260 Dis-Chem drivers, to ensure
in its e-commerce offering both now and in the faster and accurate delivery across the country.
future. This is managed through 192 Dis-Chem, six Medicare and 35
Baby City stores, all active on the Picup platform.
“In August 2021, we saw an online sales growth of 14,4
percent over the comparable period and this was already an Picup CEO Antonio Bruni says advancements in health
increase in growth over the 2019 comparable period where care logistics are happening at a rapid pace around the world
we saw 345,9 percent growth,” says Annemarie Barnard, IT as more consumers opt in to order online rather than go
OPS Project Management Officer. “While COVID-19 was in-store.
the catalyst for the change in consumer behaviour, Dis- “By decentralising its distribution operations to now have
Chem’s logistics has become extremely slick. We are seeing a a presence around the country, Dis-Chem has uniformed
reduction in delivery times from seven to 10 days to same or its processes across the group; every store adopts the same
next day. This has radically decreased customer complaints process which enables scalability, a faster delivery process
over the past two years,” adds Barnard. and dispatch of orders,” says Bruni. •
Serco takes a load off
A REDESIGNED chassis for refrigerated trailers offering a
weight saving of 580kg against the norm is now available in
South Africa and already catching the eye of customers. The
new style chassis has been developed by truck and trailer
building company Serco.
CEO Clinton Holcroft says that, following feedback from
customers, further improving payload would be beneficial
for transporters. Serco took one of its proven and trusted
chassis and redesigned it using high tensile steel and the
latest 3D software analysis tools to reduce stress points, and
the outcome is a winner.
“We finalised the design towards the end of last year and Holcroft adds that it was an exciting development for
built a few prototypes, which we put into the market. There Serco and it gives clients wanting to improve payload a
has been quite a bit of interest and we have started picking tangible advantage. “Weight saving provides a little more
up orders for the new chassis, which is proving itself on the tolerance in terms of weight distribution, which is often a
road already,” says Holcroft. “I think the 580kg weight saving challenge. For instance, a truck or trailer might be within the L O GI S T I CS NEWS
is significant and a huge achievement by our design team. At overall permissible weight limitation, but can end up slightly
a fairly nominal cost, clients can further improve payload by overloaded depending on the load distribution. Weight
adding accessories such as aluminium rims and hubs.” reduction can help prevent this,” he says. •
www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a M A Y/JUNE 2022 27