Page 50 - Logistics News - September October 2023
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Webfleet releases latest Road Safety Report
WEBFLEET has released its second vehicle maintenance (22.22 percent),
annual Road Safety Report for 2023. budget constraints (14.81 percent),
The report was supplied with insights technological limitations (5.56 percent)
from 54 respondents representing and criminality.
7,948 trucks operating in South Africa
and outlines common safety factors, “You could distil these into two
challenges and solutions that South or three factors as they address the
African transport operators face. same objectives,” Manson says. “For
instance, without sufficient budget,
“With the survey now presenting an operator could not afford training,
at least two years of data, we are able technology or substantial programmes
to identify persistent patterns as well that drive a culture of safety. Chasing
as one-off events or feedback from profits often leads to more driver
participants,” says Justin Manson, fatigue and greater risk of injury to
Sales Director at Webfleet South Africa, road users.”
Bridgestone’s fleet management
solution. “There have been some Justin Manson, Sales Director at Measuring road safety policies
clear trends consistent with the first Webfleet South Africa. The most common method of
report, like the condition of road measuring the effectiveness of road
infrastructure and the effects of congestion on driver safety policies was the use of driver incident reports and
concentration and well-being. However, it is concerning analysis (72.22 percent), followed by driver behaviour
to note not only high levels of road incidents, but also monitoring through telematics or GPS tracking (66.67
an increase in their severity,” he says. percent). Vehicle maintenance and inspection records
were used by 53.70 percent, vehicle collision data and
The latest study recorded a total of 1,313 collisions, analysis by 51.85 percent and safety protocol and
a massive increase compared to last year when only policy compliance by 50 percent. Around 80 percent of
1,252 collisions occurred out of a total of 14,073 trucks respondents called for increased government funding
measured. for road infrastructure development and maintenance.
Additionally, 51.85 percent wanted to see improved road
Out of the 10 respondents who were worst affected, signage and markings, and 50 percent wanted enhanced
representing 87 percent of incidents, five stated that driver education and licensing requirements.
most incidents occurred at night between 10pm and
6am. When asked to rate the most prevalent causes Telematics for safety
of incidents, respondents identified other drivers, Over 80 percent of the respondents said using a fleet
poor road conditions and criminal activity as the most telematics system was effective in reducing collisions,
common. and half said the impact of this technology in preventing
incidents is significant.
Industry challenges
When asked to name the biggest challenges they faced “Although telematics technology can very quickly
in maintaining road safety, respondents identified have a strong impact on a business, operators must
road conditions (59.26 percent), driver behaviour always look at what they can do across all operations.
(59.26 percent), compliance (44.44 percent) and Without proper training, maintenance of vehicles and
cultivating a safety culture (31.48 percent) as the top policies designed for driver well-being, even the best
concerns. Other factors included fatigue management digital tools have their restrictions and limits,” concludes
(24.07 percent), driver training (24.07 percent), Manson. •
48 SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2023 www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a