Page 56 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 56


          Unitrans wins two prestigious awards in annual

          MasterDrive competition

          UNITRANS HAS once again demonstrated its
          commitment to excellence by securing two prestigious
          awards in the annual MasterDrive Fleet Safety Awards.
          The company landed first place in the Best Employer
          and Best Company – Medium Commercial Vehicles

            “Unitrans is steadfastly focused on fostering a culture
          of safe driving practices and on-road experiences. We
          believe that the well-being of our drivers is paramount
          to the success of our operations,” says Tracy van
          Helsdingen, Unitrans Head: Centralised SHERQ Services.
          “We are truly honoured to receive these awards in
          recognition of our relentless pursuit of excellence in
          logistics. At Unitrans, safety and innovation are at the   MasterDrive’s Eugene Herbert, Carli Venter, Nishani Chetty and
          core of everything. These awards are a testament to our   Gomolemo Kutlwana.
          team’s hard work and dedication and our commitment to
          providing the best possible service to our clients.”   According to Eugene Herbert, CEO of MasterDrive,
                                                              Unitrans stood out amidst the more than 100 entries
            The Fleet Safety Awards were introduced last year to   received this year. “It is one of the most far-reaching
          recognise the efforts of fleet managers and companies   organisations in the country when it comes to
          dedicated to promoting road safety in South Africa. In   transportation and has a reputation for going the extra
          addition to the top two categories, Best Fleet Manager   mile,” he said. “Lowering the alarmingly high number of
          and Best Company, three new categories were added in   road fatalities is a shared responsibility among all South
          2023 to honour individuals and companies contributing   Africans and one effective way to initiate this change is
          to road safety: Road Warrior, Best Employer and Best   through businesses.”
          Truck Stop.
                                                                 A critical factor in Unitrans’s success is its
            In the Best Employer category, Unitrans stood out as a   commitment to driver safety. The company’s dedication
          company that prioritises the well-being of its employees,   to ensuring the safety of both its drivers and the public
          providing a supportive and nurturing work environment. Its   is evident in its strict safety protocols, continuous
          dedication to driver training, ongoing education and overall   monitoring and education programmes. “Safety isn’t
          safety culture has satisfied employees and led to improved   confined to a single department; instead, it embodies the
          efficiency and better service to clients. Organisations had   pursuit of excellence throughout our entire organisation.
          to exhibit their commitment to road safety through fleet   It encompasses the entirety of our value chain,
          policies and strategies and showcase how they foster a   encouraging us to think differently. We understand that
          company culture that values road safety.            achieving excellence in one department while neglecting
                                                              others, or vice versa, is insufficient. Ultimately, it’s a
            Unitrans emerged as the Medium Commercial Vehicle   mindset that drives our pursuit of excellence,” explains
          category winner, highlighting its ongoing investment in   van Helsdingen.
          cutting-edge technology and adherence to strict safety
          protocols. Through innovative solutions, the company   With over 4,000 drivers in the organisation, the
          has further enhanced its operational excellence, ensuring   Unitrans commitment is not just about doing what’s right;
          the safe and efficient transportation of goods for its   it’s about doing it correctly and constantly improving. •

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