Page 58 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 58
2023 Road Freight Summit celebrates successful debut
THE 2023 Road Freight SME Summit successfully
debuted on 20-21 October at the Maslow Hotel in
Sandton, with topics delivering to the needs of the
audience and the broader trucking sector, and industry
specialists, government department heads and
academia occupying the speaker platform.
Targeting small fleet owners with five to 100 trucks
on the road, topics covered included critical success
factors for road freight SMEs, safety and compliance,
the transportation of mining commodities, industry
trends on effective and efficient fleet management, the
complexities of securing funding for trucking SMEs in
South Africa and various topics about the next step
towards growing a business.
Rirhandzu Mashava, Deputy Director General:
Integrated Transport Planning at the Department of
Transport (DOT), gave the keynote address, pointing
out that 90 percent of the more than 100,000
businesses active in the road freight sector are SMEs. Rirhandzu Mashava, Deputy DG at the Department of Transport.
They had a significant impact on the economic
landscape, she said. “These SMEs are not merely The Managing Director of SME company Atarah
businesses, they are job creators and contributors to Solutions, Lehlohonolo Mpshe, said of the summit:
the national economy. The summit’s primary focus is to “Frank talk, insightful, enjoyable, thought-provoking –
provide an enabling platform for these SMEs to scale and commitments were made!” Sinethemba Cobo of
up and take their businesses to the next level.” Isuzu Motors said the summit made him appreciate
the company’s support for the sector and re-evaluate
JC Auditors’ Managing Director, Oliver Naidoo, how he influences change. He added: “These are the
said that a primary focus of the summit was raising platforms that SMEs require to connect, work together
awareness of safe systems as a key building block and make a difference.” Annah Ngxeketo, CEO of
for SME road freight businesses. “If we are to address Mamoja Trading & Projects, found the conversations
South Africa’s poor road safety record, there is a need with industry leaders “insightful”, noting the key learning
for impactful initiatives to promote safe and compliant was to “have a collaborative spirit with other SMEs”.
fleets on our roads.”
The inaugural summit was well supported by
Mashava highlighted opportunities created by industry, and support services in the road freight sector
technology. “The rise of technology and digital and many industry associations also showed support
platforms has provided SMEs in the road freight for the event, including the Association of Chartered
sector with enhanced opportunities for growth and Certified Accountants, the Chartered Institute of
success. Digital platforms enable them to streamline Logistics and Transport: South Africa, Freight Logistics
operations, optimise routes and offer real-time tracking South Africa, the Global Federation of Chambers, The
and customer support. This allows SMEs to compete Road Freight Association, SAPICS, the African Women
effectively with larger established companies and in Supply Chain Association and the SA Express Parcel
provide efficient and reliable services to their clients.” Association. •
56 SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2023 www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a