Page 18 - Warehouse Annual 2022
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tech improves
PHOTO BY TIGER LILY FROM PEXELS risk for security breaches. Technology is here to help.
With the growth of e-commerce, warehouses are
busier and more occupied than ever, leaving them at
echnology has advanced in ways that improve This eases the operational and administrative
convenience and flexibility in everyday life. But burden by centralising the entire warehouse security
Tmodern technology has also been at the forefront management. Cloud-based access management also
of solving major logistics and operational challenges for allows administrators to view access events in real
businesses and enterprises. time. This increases overall security visibility, which is
particularly beneficial for warehouses that often have
Here is how technology has influenced and advanced night shift employees and security.
warehouses, and how security and operations can be
improved by deploying these new solutions. • Mobile or face recognition access credentials
Access control as an industry is moving beyond the
Warehouses need the highest level of security and traditional key card system. This is particularly beneficial
access due to the millions of rands worth of inventory that for larger operations such as warehouses. Different
passes through them every day. Currently, the complex employees need different levels of access for different
logistics involved with managing an industrial warehouse, areas, and different keys or key cards are used to open
storage facility or manufacturing plant is leaving gaps in different doors and access points. In addition to being
security protocol. Luckily, new access control technology time-consuming and inefficient, key cards do not offer
is effectively managing loss prevention for warehouses. the highest level of security as they can be lost, stolen or
duplicated. Using credentials like face recognition and
Modern warehouse access control mobile access are, however, a secure and convenient way
Warehouses have dozens of access points dispersed to navigate through a secure facility.
throughout the entire facility. They also have teams of
employees and vendors coming on and off site daily. Benefits of modern warehouse access control
Managing warehouse access with onsite legacy systems By upgrading warehouse access control, security and
and key card distribution is no longer the most secure or operations are improved significantly by:
efficient way to operate security. Improving warehouse • Eliminating the overhead from key cards and fobs.
security means upgrading to cloud-based access • Managing access points and access permissions
management and mobile or face recognition access remotely.
credentials. • Granting and assigning different levels of access to
different users or user groups.
• Cloud-based access management • Auditing warehouse access events and viewing real-time
Cloud-based access control allows warehouse events.
administrators to manage security from anywhere. • Upgrading from legacy systems, which require expensive
Instead of managing access points and credentials maintenance, software upgrades and technical training
on site, it can all be done remotely from the cloud. or assistance. •
16 Warehouse Annual 2022