Page 16 - Warehouse Annual 2022
P. 16
Navigating the pitfalls of
a WMS implementation
As an operations-centric execution system, a WMS deployment is susceptible to many pitfalls
that can result in poor project results and potentially a failed implementation. Understanding
how to avoid or mitigate the potential landmines can make or break a WMS implementation.
any warehouse management system (WMS) and schedule goals. Also, a WMS design process is
implementations underperform. They overrun typically an iterative proposition. You need to peel back
Mbudgets, blow out schedules, fail to deliver the layers during the detailed design process to determine
promised results and inflict excessive go-live pain. While what actually needs to be done. Selection requirements
implementations backed by strong project management typically only represent the first layer. There may be a lot
functions are generally well equipped to deal with these of unknowns buried in the underlying layers that impact
potential hazards, they are not immune to underperforming schedule, budget and resource requirements.
because of them. Below are four planning challenges that
can negatively impact your WMS implementation, as well The best approach for dealing with this pitfall is to
as solutions for dealing with each pitfall. avoid it by doing your due diligence during the selection
and approval process. This should include a critical review
The job is bigger than expected of each bidder’s proposed project plan and resource
This is probably the most common reason that WMS estimates that not only covers completeness, but also
implementation projects founder. The schedule, resource involves a direct discussion on contingencies the vendor
requirements and budget set when the project was or integrator has included to cover the unknowns. Any
approved turn out to be inadequate due to a variety of vendor or integrator with a successful deployment track
factors. First, the participants in a WMS selection and record will have a standard implementation approach or
approval process may have been overly optimistic when methodology, therefore the only tasks they should miss
determining resource requirements and the timeline. are the unknown requirements (see the next pitfall). It is
Since they probably wanted the project to proceed, they far more likely that they will underestimate the complexity
tried to accommodate perceived budgetary thresholds of the requirements gathered during the selection.
14 Warehouse Annual 2022