Page 6 - Warehouse Annual 2022
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What are the implementations of these solutions that will the initial cost may be higher than traditional bulbs, they
dominate 2022? will definitely last longer as well as conserve energy in
• Automation of labour-intensive activities such as self- the long run.
managing inventory systems, self-driving forklifts,
autonomous ground vehicles and other tasks that reduce Use less packaging
manual dependency. Efficient packaging weighs less and costs less to ship.
• Real-time tracking of warehouse operations and shipping Switch from traditional packing materials to products
through business intelligence, which will ultimately that are biodegradable. While packing materials made
transform warehouse management. The process will from synthetic plastics can take hundreds of years to
mainly consist of AI-powered inspections, packaging break down in landfills, biodegradable materials degrade
and more. within a couple of years. Many biodegradable materials
• Forecast demand through warehousing solutions. are also compostable. All in all, making your packing
Though this trend is already being followed in some more efficient and switching to biodegradable packing
places, it will be adopted tremendously during the materials significantly reduces waste and decreases your
following year. carbon footprint.
Sustainable warehousing Insulate your warehouse properly
With an increased number of people willing to reduce Poor insulation disrupts the temperature control you
their carbon footprints, 2022 will witness a sea change set up for your warehouse building. This drives up your
in warehousing management techniques. More and heating and cooling bills and increases your warehouse’s
more business owners will be looking for sustainable impact on the environment. Make sure your warehouse
warehousing in the coming year. It will not only reduce is properly insulated to help keep climate controlled
utility bills, but also provide employees with an eco-friendly air inside where it belongs. In addition to keeping your
business they are proud to be a part of. employees comfortable, doing so reduces wear and tear
on your warehouse management system and reduces
How you can opt for sustainable warehousing? energy bills.
• Invest in energy-efficient equipment.
• Changing your lighting is one of the most effective ways Blockchain technology
to make any warehouse more environmentally friendly. There are a number of stakeholders involved when it comes
Opt for eco-friendly options such as LED lighting. While to efficient warehouse management. Manufacturers,
4 Warehouse Annual 2022