Page 11 - Warehouse Annual 2022
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Facility managers are always looking for new ways Lighting and other energy saving tips
to improve their performance in order to keep equipment To lessen the load, remove one or two bulbs in lighting fixtures
running smoothly and efficiently. For example, depending that take four or more bulbs. Lighting each bulb in the fixture
on the complexity of the facility’s conveyor system, it isn’t necessary where lighting isn’t critical. Use timers or
could account for as much as 50 percent of a facility’s sensors so that lights turn off when no one is around that area
electrical load. Because of these systems’ huge use of of the warehouse. High-intensity discharge (HID) light sources,
electricity, it is a natural target for improving efficiency and such as metal halide and high-pressure sodium lamps, have
saving energy. long dominated the market for lighting indoor spaces with
high ceilings, but today other technologies have proven more
One way to reduce power consumption is to retrofit efficient under many common situations.
existing conveyor motors with highly efficient, variable-
speed motors that feature a ‘soft-start’, which reduces the For aisles, fluorescent fixtures (high-performance T8
mechanical shock to the conveyor belts when restarting, lamps and ballasts) work best for heights of less than 6m.
significantly cutting maintenance costs. In addition, the For locations requiring greater clearance and for many
soft start alleviates the motors’ high draw of electrical high-bay areas, fluorescent lights (high-performance
current during a restart. T8 lamps or high-output T5 lamps) are usually the most
efficient choice. LED lighting is the most efficient and has
While energy-efficient motors may be more expensive dropped enough in price to be cost-effective for many
than standard equipment, the true cost of motors is not warehouses.
the purchase price, but the cost of daily operation. Over
time, the savings provided by an energy-efficient motor Painting walls white and installing windows to introduce
can far outweigh its higher purchase price. Energy- natural light will improve light levels while reducing energy,
efficient motors are also generally more reliable, longer provided the windows use thermal or double-paned glass.
lasting and put less of a load on electrical distribution
circuits. The HVAC system is a huge drain on energy in a
warehouse. If the warehouse is unoccupied much of the
Saving space saves on utilities time, evaluate the level of heating and air conditioning really
Vertical warehousing helps some companies beat the necessary to make the environment comfortable or store
high cost of land, cut transportation costs and reduce the company’s products. Oversized ceiling fans may be able
the operation’s environmental impact. By building the to reduce temperatures in the facility. Regular maintenance,
warehouse up instead of out, the warehouse has a such as changing filters, is important for good operation and
smaller footprint and thus saves on costs. A multi-storey to avoid energy waste.
warehouse allows a company to operate in a dense urban
area, rather than locating miles from the population Dock shelters, which enclose the entire back of a truck
centre. Locating the warehouse near the end customer are more energy-efficient than roll-up dock doors because
also saves on transportation costs. they reduce outside air exchange. Dock shelters most likely
won’t be found in warehouse facilities built on spec because
Vertical equipment such as vertical carousels, AS/ they’re more expensive than typical loading docks. Regularly
RS, conveyors, etc. save on space in the warehouse. checking and repairing gaps in the seals around loading dock
Automated storage and retrieval systems, such as vertical doors is a quick energy saver.
carousels and vertical lift modules, take advantage of
unused overhead space to recover 60 to 85 percent of A warehouse with older insulation is losing energy to the
the floor space typically required by shelving and drawer environment. Traditional batt insulation can be replaced by
systems. Improving space utilisation in a warehouse saves more efficient spray foam or loose fill. Spray foam insulation
on the footprint of the building. By reducing the amount is the most expensive, but is twice as efficient as batt. Loose
of space required for storage and retrieval operations, fill is a middle alternative that is easy to install in existing
organisations can construct smaller, more energy efficient spaces and still provides superior insulation.
buildings, shrinking the construction footprint by up to
15 percent in some cases, conserving natural resources Finally, don’t think of sustainability in terms of costs; think
and reducing maintenance costs. This improved space of it as an investment resulting in revenue savings – a better
utilisation helps reduce energy costs, which helps reduce bottom line and a better image that win the respect of your
an organisation’s overall carbon footprint. customers and your community. •
Warehouse Annual 2022 9