Page 11 - Case Study Annual 2018
P. 11

Thought Leadership

            Blockchains can manage electronic digital        in the overall supply chain process from raw
          payments/documents using digital signatures,       material sourcing to end customer delivery. Time
          and exact time and date stamps.                    compression is now an essential feature of world
            A blockchain can manage the digital              class supply chains. Blockchains can form an
          payments made once approved work is                integrated secure supply chain ‘folder’ of essential
          performed completely and successfully:             supply chain activities such as Port Health sign-
          the shipment is delivered in full at an exact      off s by port authorities, which could happen
          port location at 8:03am on 5 August 2018. A        much faster on a digital blockchain platform.
          blockchain can eff ectively manage the DHL         Blockchains can also give place specifi c sign-
          shipment made to an exact individual, as well      off s in the supply chain – thus getting the right
          as the digital paperwork and digital payment       product to the right customer, in the right place, at
          involved. Blockchains can handle proof of          the right time, at a better cost, in a quality-audited
          delivery, digital paperwork and electronic         condition – through a digital record with digital
          documents stored within the chain as well as       signatures at specifi c digital locations through
          essential physical supply chain documents (such    global positioning systems (GPS).
          as a bill of lading), signatures related to proof of
          delivery, and even proof of electronic payments    Blockchain’s potential benefi ts for the
          (EFTs). Blockchains can also include an exact      supply chain
          time stamp of when things happened.                •  Reduce fraud in the supply chain.
            Blockchains will reduce supply chain             •  Increase the security in the supply chain.
          paperwork and lead to greater supply chain         •  Keep easier track of products as they move
          time compression (lead times reductions).           through an end-to-end supply chain.
            Blockchains could potentially replace the        •  Keep track of cold chain temperature sensitive
          mounds of paperwork that supply chains and          items more easily as they move through the
          international shipments typically create. They      chain.
          could also create greater visibility of the overall   •  Keep track of major engineering projects and all
          supply chain.                                       the inbound supplies from contractors.
            Blockchain technology has the potential to       •  Keep track of automotive production from start
          globally redesign the way business transacts        to fi nish and even beyond production towards
          across nearly every industry in the global          dealerships/ownership.
          economy. The key benefi t of blockchain             •  Keep track of ingredients in the food supply
          technology is the distributed infrastructure’s      chain of popular brand items you buy in the
          ability to share information - securely, quickly    store.
          and accurately - and provide for the irreversible    Cross-company collaboration along complex
          transfer of data, ensuring data integrity. This    global supply chains will help remove many of the
          makes the technology an important tool             typically abundant process steps and unnecessary
          in building trust amongst businesses and           friction, whilst simultaneously establishing an
          consumers.                                         integrated system of established, automated trust
            Blockchains will also save a lot of time         within the blockchain. •

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