Page 27 - Logistics News Sept / Oct 2018
P. 27


         and repackages them as mixed case pallets?          has rapidly accelerated in recent years. The
         Are you looking to simply store goods, or store     pressure for speed and precision means
         before turning them into something else? Next is    software has to efficiently coordinate
         determining the rate at which you need to store     resources from equipment to labour to
         and retrieve, and then you need to consider the     storage space. Software providers are now
         physical constraints of the new or existing facility.   focused on timing. If an order should be
         If new, it might make sense to build a tall AS/RS   sitting at the shipping door at 2:56pm for a
         crane to maximise the use of vertical space.        truck leaving at 3:07pm, the software must
            Cranes are characterised by a single load        work backwards from that point to determine
         handling mechanism per aisle. Cranes that handle    the optimal time to launch the order. If it gets
         pallets (unit loads) might be able to handle one,   to the dock too early, it’s in the way. If too
         two or multiple pallets at a time. Cranes can also   late, it misses the truck.
         be designed to handle totes, trays and/or cartons     AS/RS supporting shipping can provide
         (mini-load). For, say, 20,000 pallets of only 200   case buffer capabilities and bring out cases
         SKUs, shuttles are a good supplement to such a      and orders in a specific sequence to build a
         system. Instead of a fork-type telescoping load     rainbow pallet or floor load trailers in route-
         handling unit, the crane can be fi tted with a bed   stop sequence. But again, the software
         or chassis for a shuttle. The shuttle can then leave   must have a holistic view upstream and
         the confi nes of the crane to travel down a lane. As   downstream of the AS/RS.
         automated storage supports ever-smaller orders        In this dynamic business climate,
         and storage quantities, another wave of shuttle     exceptions are increasingly becoming
         technology is predicted.                            the rule. In addition to the conventional
                                                             storage role for AS/RS, there’s a growing
         Software and solutions                              range of applications that leverage AS/
         In terms of both equipment design and               RS functionality to address contemporary
         software, the evolution of AS/RS solutions          challenges. •
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