Page 33 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 33


         New study predicts 2024

         African trade boom

         New research commissioned by DP World and led by Economist Impact forecasts a booming African
         trade landscape in 2024, with senior executives predicting a surge in intra-African trade fueled by
         new trade pacts and tech investments.

                owever, African firms remain cautious as inflationary   While AfCFTA should help to reduce a significant amount
                pressures, economic uncertainty and political   of tariff barriers, long transport times and high costs due to
         Hinstability threaten to impact growth. Over 26 percent   significant border control and long waiting times, complex
          of the executives surveyed identified heightened inflation   customs and bureaucracy remain a concern. High transport
          and economic uncertainty as the primary limitations on   costs were cited as the second biggest challenge facing
          expanding imports, a 7 percent increase on the previous year.   businesses when increasing both their import and export sales.
          Additionally, nearly 20 percent pointed to political instability
          in crucial source markets as their primary constraint, up 4   In response, businesses in Africa are increasingly investing in
          percent year-on-year.                               technology to adapt. Notably, 38 percent of executives identified
                                                              the use of digital tools for improved inventory management
            The latest Trade in Transition study captured the   as the primary strategy to reduce overall trade and supply
          perspectives of African trade experts and senior executives   chain costs in Africa. Further, 45 percent of executives plan to
          during a period of unprecedented transformation as heightened   implement advanced automation and robotics to gain real-time
          global geopolitical risk, climate change and significant   insights and forecast disruptions in their supply chains in 2024.
          advancements in technologies create both challenges and
          opportunities.                                         This aligns with global findings, which reveal that executives
                                                              across all sectors and regions found technologies that improve
          African business poised for intra-African trade     supply chain efficiency and resilience to be by far the main
          growth                                              source of optimism for the future of global trade.
          In light of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),
          executives across the continent expect intra-regional trade   “Regional trade agreements, exemplified by AfCFTA, stand
          to grow in 2024. Some 28 percent of the surveyed business   out as powerful tools to address the intricate challenges within
          leaders expect sub-Saharan Africa to be their largest export   the region’s trade and supply chain infrastructure,” shares
          market this year, up from 19 percent of respondents the   Mohammed Akoojee, CEO and Managing Director, sub-Saharan
          previous year. Only Europe (38 percent) and North America (34   Africa at DP World. “The nine percentage point increase in the
          percent) rank higher in the list of regions expected to provide the   proportion of Africa-based executives projecting that sub-
          greatest contribution in terms of export sales.     Saharan Africa will be their biggest export market is a case in
                                                              point. The synergy of public and private sector partnerships
            Almost three-quarters agreed that government actions,   to enhance investment, strengthened trade agreements and
          such as enhancing regional trade agreements, have positively   technological advancements also position the continent for
          impacted their supply chain strategies. This highlights the   growth and resilience.”
          significant role governments can play in creating a favourable
          environment for business growth and trade expansion.    John Ferguson, Global Lead, New Globalisation at
                                                              Economist Impact, adds: “The findings of this report reveal
          Technology set to increase resilience and           a remarkably positive outlook for African trade in 2024 and
          efficiency                                          shed light on the beneficial effects of trade agreements like
          In the face of persistent challenges posed by systemic issues   AfCFTA. Through such regional cooperation, economies can
          and political instability, businesses across Africa are strategically   leverage scale, enhance competitiveness and attract significant
          embracing technology as a transformative investment.    investment across the continent. •

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