Page 29 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 29


          growth. Getting it where it needs to be – with tangible   working capital is effectively utilised. Financial discipline
          change – is going to require substantial collaboration   is key and market conditions will eventually become
          across private and government sectors as rail and ports   more buoyant, which will open additional avenues and
          need to work together to achieve meaningful change   opportunities for growth both locally and abroad, and
          and progress. This, of course, will require clear policies,   importers need to be able to take advantage of these.
          transparency, investment and decisive leadership.
                                                                 My advice: Close collaboration with your key supply
            Generally, given the last few years, we should be able   chain stakeholders and financial partner(s) is essential.
          to adapt much quicker to supply chain shocks – learning   Have a clear understanding of changes to market and
          from the lessons of the past and being able to adjust to   industry conditions and the impacts these could have
          any disruptions. However, importers need to be cautious;   – they do present opportunities. Take time to plan
          they need to watch their costs closely, adjust lead times   effectively for scenarios that could pose a risk to your
          where required and examine ways of ensuring that their   business. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                       I S S UE 01 – 2024    27
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