Page 38 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 38


          The ransomware dilemma:

          To pay or not to pay?

                                                        By Warren Bonheim, Managing Director at Zinia

          The rise of ransomware attacks has become an alarming trend, causing
          business leaders to grapple with a difficult question: Should they negotiate with
          ransomware attackers and pay the demanded ransom?

               his dilemma poses many challenges and businesses   awareness training combined with regular assessments to
               must weigh the potential consequences of their   test employees’ vulnerabilities is critical.
         T decisions. Many think that paying the ransom may be   3.  You need a cybersecurity platform that has round-the-clock
          the quickest way to regain access to critical data and systems,   monitoring, built-in automated incident response and AI-led
          particularly in companies where downtime translates to   techniques to quickly and automatically block or investigate
          substantial financial losses or even risks lives such as in health   threats. Smart platforms also have data intelligence gathering
          care or emergency services.                          of incidents from all over the world where AI analyses and
                                                               learns from this data for predictive prevention to stay ahead
            There is no guarantee that the attackers will honour their   of cybercriminals.
          end of the bargain and provide decryption keys or release the   4.  Beyond automation, you can also strengthen your security
          stolen data even after the ransom is paid. Businesses may   through a team of human-led threat hunters who actively
          end up losing money without resolving the issue. In effect,   seek out anomalies, unusual patterns and other indicators
          paying ransoms provides financial incentives to cybercriminals,   of compromise that automated systems may have missed.
          encouraging them to continue their illegal activities.   Their goal is to identify and act against security threats before
                                                               they can cause significant damage or data breaches within
            Some believe that because stolen data may include sensitive   your business.
          information about customers or employees, paying the ransom   5.  Recently, there’s been an increasing trend where attackers
          can prevent the exposure of this data, mitigating the risk of   only return half of the stolen data and then demand the same
          lawsuits, regulatory fines and reputational damage. However,   ransom again to release the remainder. To safeguard against
          the real danger of this is that companies might become   such scenarios, it’s crucial for businesses to implement a
          trapped in a cycle of paying ransoms instead of addressing   robust and secure cloud backup strategy. This ensures the
          the root causes of vulnerabilities and not invest in more robust   ability to restore data in the event of a ransomware attack,
          cybersecurity measures.                              enabling uninterrupted business operations.
                                                              6.  Companies do not have to invest in the latest technology,
          6 tips on staying ahead of ransomware                nor hire in the skills to do so; rather, you can get affordable
          attackers                                            enterprise-grade solutions by using a cybersecurity provider
          1.  Don’t wait to become a victim. Thinking it won’t happen   for a month-to-month service. These providers have the most
            to you is dangerous because hope is not an effective   advanced systems in place that are constantly being updated
            strategy, especially with the increasing sophistication and   to adjust to different attack scenarios.
            business of cybercrime. Strengthening your cybersecurity
            makes it more difficult for attackers to penetrate your   In conclusion, rather than facing the ransomware dilemma
            defences.                                         in the first place, companies can prioritise prevention and
          2.  The weakest link for cybercriminals is people. Your employees   preparedness to strengthen their defences, making it more
           pose the greatest danger to the business because they may   difficult for criminals to launch attacks. Additionally, by having
           inadvertently let ransomware pass into the company by   a proper data backup plan in place, data can be quickly
           clicking on links or visiting websites that pose a risk. Security   recovered. •

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