Page 63 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 63


         Clark to showcase new products at LogiMAT 2024

         INDUSTRIAL TRUCK specialist Clark, represented locally by   For more demanding applications in pedestrian
         Kempston Material Handling, will be presenting numerous   operation, the PWio20 low-lift pallet truck has a load capacity

         innovations in the field of electric counterbalance trucks and   of 2,000kg. This manoeuvrable pallet truck proves its
         warehouse technology at LogiMAT in Stuttgart, Germany from   worth particularly when transporting heavy loads in goods
         19-21 March, 2024.                                   distribution, production or warehousing. The pallet truck is
                                                              supplied with a Li-ion battery (24V, 100Ah) and an integrated
            The highlights of Clark’s stand include three new electric   charger. The compact and lightweight PWio20 is ideal for
         forklift truck series with lithium-ion technology, which are   use in confined working areas such as warehouse zones,

         intended to replace and supplement the existing Clark electric   sales rooms or for transporting on lorries. The side support
         forklift truck fleet. The new electric forklift trucks are designed   castors ensure excellent stability and climbing ability on

         for a wide range of applications. With the emission-free   uneven surfaces or ramps.
         electric forklifts, Clark is aiming to make its intralogistics more
         sustainable and climate-neutral. The new electric forklift truck   Thanks to its exceptional manoeuvrability, the Clark SWX16
         series with 48 and 80 volts cover load capacities from 1.6 to 3.5   high-lift truck with a load capacity of 1,600kg is ideal when goods
         tons. With numerous ergonomic improvements and modern   need to be moved quickly and safely in confined spaces with a

         safety functions, they ensure maximum efficiency with a low   hand-operated device. With a maximum lift height of 5,500mm,

         total cost of ownership.                             the pedestrian stacker can also reach higher shelves.
            The LWio15 low-lift pallet truck with a load capacity of   Kempston Material Handling Division Manager Grant Brehany
         1,500kg is designed for light transport tasks and use over short   is excited about the prospect of the revised SRX16 reach truck,
         distances and is equipped with a long-lasting and powerful Li-ion   LWio15 and LWio20 lithium powered low-level pallet trucks and
         battery. It also proves its worth in space-critical work areas and   the SWX16 electric high-lift pallet truck being launched in South
         narrow aisles. The pallet truck drives and lifts purely electrically   Africa. “These products are sure to make an impact in the South
         so that the operator can operate the device without any effort.   African market in the months to come,” he concludes. •

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