Page 64 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 64


          Logistics News publisher completes 7.5km Robben

          Island swim to fund memorial scholarship

          DALAN HOLTON wears several                                        financial hardships, ensuring that they
          hats in the business world – one of                               could benefit from the rich educational
          which is publisher of this esteemed                               and extracurricular offerings that an
          magazine. As he’s about to hit the big                            institution like KES can offer.
          50, he decided a year ago to celebrate
          by committing to training towards a                                  The fund assists promising students
          gruelling and icy swim through shark-                             by covering 50 percent of their tuition
          inhabited waters to raise funds for a                             fees at KES for their entire high school
          cause that was close to his heart – the                           career, offering them the opportunity to
          Daniel Lopes Memorial Scholarship                                 thrive in an environment that nurtures
          (DLMS).                                                           academic and personal growth. The
                                                                            scholarship not only offers financial
            To raise funds for the DLMS, Dalan                              support, but also encompasses
          launched a crowdfunding campaign on                               emotional, social and academic
          BackaBuddy with a target of R50,000.                              guidance through the TAG Foundation.
          To date, his efforts have raised over
          R65,000 – exceeding his target and still                             On 14 February this year, the cold
          rising with the opportunity to help more students   Atlantic Ocean sympathised with the challenging task
          in need.                                            ahead of Dalan and offered up rarely seen smooth
                                                              conditions – ideal for the demanding swim. The swim
            As with many charitable causes, the story behind   started in the early morning at Robben Island, covering
          the scholarship is unfortunately tragic. During his own   a distance of approximately 7.5km and finishing at
          time at King Edward VII School (KES), Dalan forged a   Bloubergstrand, though currents can extend this
          lifelong friendship with Antonio Lopes as they were both   swim by up to an extra kilometre. Motivated by his
          in the school swimming team and graduated together.   commitment to the memory of his friend’s son and the
          Many years later, on 15 December, 2018, Antonio’s son,   students that the foundation supports, Dalan powered
          Daniel, tragically passed away at the age of 12 in a freak   through and completed the challenge in an impressive
          accident. In his memory, the Daniel Lopes Memorial   two hours, seven minutes and 15 seconds.
          Scholarship was founded to support students facing
                                                                 The team at Logistics News commends Dalan’s
                                                              achievement on the day and the hundreds of hours
                                                              required to train towards this singular moment. He has
                                                              since committed to swimming the same route next year
                                                              to continue to raise funds and aims to reach a sub-two-
                                                              hour time.

                                                                 If you are inspired by Dalan’s efforts or the story
                                                              behind the creation of these scholarships, please
                                                              consider donating to this campaign on BackaBuddy:

                                                                 Alternatively, donate via SnapScan: https://pos.

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