Page 60 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 60


          Mother of three takes home 2023

          #ThankYouTrucker award

          CYNTHIA THALA, a dedicated Bulk Vehicle Operator with
          Unitrans, has achieved a historic milestone by becoming
          the first woman to secure the coveted title of the 2023
          #ThankYouTrucker competition. “This prestigious
          victory not only highlights Cynthia’s exceptional skills
          and unwavering commitment to her profession, but also
          underscores the invaluable contributions of women in the
          trucking industry,” says Carli Venter, Chief Strategy Officer
          at Unitrans, speaking at the award presentation ceremony.
          “Her remarkable achievement is a testament to her
          determination and dedication and Unitrans is immensely
          proud to have her as part of our team.”

            Cynthia started her career as a bus driver. Her
          fascination with the world of truck driving began as she
          observed bulk trucks making deliveries during her previous
          job. Despite discouragement from friends who deemed it
          an unconventional choice for a woman, her husband stood
          firmly by her side, encouraging her to pursue her dream. She   Gavin Kelly (CEO of the RFA), Cynthia Thala (winner of the 2023
          embarked on her journey with Unitrans in March 2019 as   #ThankYouTrucker competition) and Martin Liebenberg (MD of
          the first female Bulk Vehicle Operator (BVO) – another first   IVECO).
          for her and Unitrans.
                                                              grandmother, who sold vegetables to support us. It is not
            Having dedicated four years to Unitrans, Cynthia is   easy to drive alone at night, but God is with me, so I don’t
          well-versed in her responsibilities and duties as a driver.   fear. We are all striving to be the best.” Thala intends to
          She meticulously inspects her vehicle before and after trips,   share her cash award of R50,000 with her family, which
          prioritising on-time deliveries while maintaining a steadfast   includes an orphaned child that she homes, and will invest
          commitment to safety, not only for herself, but for those   the remainder. Her aspirations include co-owning a trucking
          around her as well. Cynthia’s unwavering dedication and   business with her husband in the future.
          reliability are evident in her track record, which includes
          delivering 11.4 million litres without incident, with zero   The #ThankYouTrucker competition is a project of the
          cross-overs and spills; completing 855 trips and 952 drops;   Road Freight Association (RFA) and IVECO SA that was
          achieving 651 days without injury, ensuring her personal   initiated three years ago. The aim of the competition is to
          safety; and maintaining 651 days without violating life-  recognise, celebrate and reward our unsung heroes on the
          saving rules.                                       road, our truck drivers.

            A delighted Vusi Nkuna, General Manager at Unitrans   Martin Liebenberg, Managing Director of IVECO,
          and Thala’s Line Manager, thanked IVECO and the Road   commented that the competition has grown and that this
          Freight Association (RFA), as well as Thala. Nkuna said that   year had the highest number of entries. “Cynthia’s win
          Thala had never shied away from challenges and embraced   shows that trucking is no longer just a man’s world,” he said,
          all opportunities. “We are proud of you, Cynthia. You are   adding that she is a beacon of hope for all women in South
          an ambassador and a role model for our business and our   Africa.
                                                                 Congratulations also go to Gerhardus ‘Pikkie’ Klaase
            On winning the award, Thala thanked her team and   and Nkosinathi Peaceman Chiliza, who came in second and
          family. She added: “In particular, I would like to thank my   third places respectively. •

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