Page 32 - Logistics News - June/July 2021
P. 32


                     FedEx Express opens new facility in Mbombela

                     FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX),   FedEx understands that as trade conditions improve
                     and the world’s largest express transportation company,   and opportunities emerge for small and medium businesses
                     has opened a new facility in Mbombela, in the north-east   following the COVID-19 lockdowns, companies are looking
                     of South Africa. Th  e new location provides customers with   to work with service providers that have the know-how
                     easier access to the global FedEx network.  Th  e facility will   to assist with their growth. With the introduction of this
                     provide the essential logistics solutions as well as products   facility, customers in Mbombela will have immediate access
                     and services necessary for small and medium businesses to   to support and guidance from FedEx Express and direct
                     unlock their potential and achieve international growth.  access to the 220 countries and territories it serves.

                                “We are excited to provide customers with   Th  e FedEx Express global network provides time-
                             easier access through this facility.  As we extend   sensitive, express services worldwide. Th  is means that
                             our footprint, our goal is to continue working   customers in Mpumalanga have access to more convenient
                             with customers and supporting them on their   off erings with a drop-off  and pick-up point right at their
                             journey to reach new clients and new markets,”   doorstep. “We are excited to present our new location and
                             says Natasha Parmanand, southern Africa   look forward to continue working with local businesses as
                             Operations Manager at FedEx Express.  they grow globally,” concludes Parmanand. •

                     New holisti c, real-ti me fl eet management system

                     Tracker has introduced a new addition to its fl eet   be used in an incentive scheme.
                     management system, Tracker Dashboards & Analytics.   •  Th  e identifi cation of trips in excess of the allowed time to
                     Th  ese dashboards provide a holistic, real-time overview   ensure rests are taken timeously.
                     of fl eet performance, categorised in terms of KPIs, safety,
                     utilisation, behaviour and trips.                Th  e Dashboards & Analytics are easy to implement,
                                                                   understand and use, and are accessible via the Tracker web
                        Th  e analytics assist management with fl eet business   app. Drivers have access to a mobile app.
                     intelligence in fi ve key areas, namely risk, cost control,
                     fl eet utilisation, operations control and asset control.   Kobus Visagie, Executive: Business Solutions at
                     Management has access to consolidated, clear information   Tracker South Africa, says, “Th  e Dashboards & Analytics
                     on vehicle locations and trips, as well as real-time trending   provide a full holistic overview on vehicle and driver
                     data on all events – time, distance, driver behaviour and   performance and further highlight any trends, for instance,
                     scoring – enabling live tracking and handling of a fl eet.  overspeeding, which can then be addressed easily without
                                                                   having to draw and print multiple reports to come to the
                     Th  e Dashboards & Analytics therefore assist management   same conclusion. We are excited about the value it will
                     with:                                         bring to our business customers.”
                     • Informed decision making.
                     • Balancing vehicle usage across the entire fl eet.
                     • Monitoring the productivity of the fl eet.
                     •  Identifying risky behaviour to reduce risks associated with
                      costs, possible accident exposure as well as compliance.
                     •  Detecting trends and helping to draw conclusions about
              L O GI S T I CS NEWS  •  Reducing the workload of analysing static telematics
                      fl eet utilisation and driver behaviour.

                     •  Identifying drivers with poor driving behaviour that may
                      lead to accidents, fi nes and/or high fuel consumption.
                     •  Identifying drivers with good driving behaviour that could

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