Page 31 - Logistics News - June/July 2021
P. 31
Unitrans Africa accelerates growth in Africa
Through its key partnerships with NRZ National Railways services in support thereof. This new transport service
of Zimbabwe, CFM Caminhos de Ferro de Mocambique will be a game-changer for relevant stakeholders and
and Traxtion, Unitrans Africa is spurring trade in Africa underscores Unitrans Africa’s commitment to driving
by offering a dedicated rail link between Maputo Port and sustainable growth within sub-Saharan Africa.
three major Zimbabwean trade hubs – Harare, Bulawayo and
Gweru. Until now, this key section of rail has been largely As well as promoting new trade opportunities for
underutilised and is vital for providing access to trade routes customers in both Zimbabwe and Maputo, this dedicated rail
across the globe. service aims to reduce transit times, increase efficiency and
offer a more reliable service. The service also complements
Operational since 16 June 2021, the new rail link initiatives to improve health and safety through lightening
enables importers and exporters to utilise Maputo’s the load on an already overburdened road infrastructure.
multipurpose deep-water port, connecting customers in The positive economic impact of this more cost- and time-
the hinterland with their global trade partners. Africa, efficient trade corridor will be felt throughout the region.
as a continent rich in mineral wealth, has high export Also, in line with global focus on sustainability, an improved
demand for use in the production of finished goods. environmental impact exists, as rail transport reduces like for
In correlation, these facilities, alongside a growing like carbon emissions by nearly 80 percent in comparison to
population, create demand for the import of goods and road freight. •
Brambles becomes a carbon neutral
operations company
Brambles, the global supply chain solutions company
operating in 60 countries through the CHEP brand, Becoming carbon neutral in scopes 1 and 2 is the
announced in September 2020 the successful completion of first step towards the ambitious and more challenging
its five-year sustainability programme and the launch of an decarbonisation of Brambles’ entire supply chain,
even more ambitious one, aimed at pioneering regenerative which would also involve the emissions generated by
supply chains. This new programme includes the subcontractors’ operations (scope 3). To do so, the company
commitment to a 1.5°C climate future aligned with the Paris will set a science-based target for emissions in its direct
Agreement and a science-based carbon emissions target for control and in its supply chain.
its supply chain.
“I could not be prouder of this milestone,” says Brambles
As part of this objective, Brambles has become carbon CEO, Graham Chipchase, “but the work does not stop here.
neutral in all its own operations. This means that the The real challenge lies ahead of us in advocating for our
company’s net CO emissions have been brought down to customers and suppliers to become carbon neutral in their
zero across the scope 1 (direct emissions generated from the operations too. We will extend and build new partnerships
burning of fuel) and scope 2 (indirect emissions resulting with them to leverage the circular economy and the best
from the production of electricity that is purchased) of the available low and zero-carbon products and services to
standardised Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. decarbonise our entire supply chain.” •
www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a JUNE/JULY 2021 29