Page 27 - Logistics News - July August 2023
P. 27


                                                                                               Laser screeding and
                                                                                               shake-on happening

          curing process commences. To achieve the necessary   slower, rate of shrinkage over the subsequent 12-18
          level tolerance, laser screed machines become       months. By the sixth month, approximately 90 percent
          indispensable, especially for larger panel configurations.   of the shrinkage should be complete, with 70-80
          This technology supersedes the traditional straight-edge   percent achieved by the third month. For this reason,
          method, ensuring precision in achieving level surfaces.   we strongly advise against loading the floor for the
          Following this, the surface hardener is introduced. In the   first three months as premature loading can impede
          past, this was a manual process involving individuals   the natural movement and shrinkage of the concrete,
          manually spreading the hardener and then power      potentially leading to cracking.
          floating it. However, contemporary methods involve
          automatic machines equipped with booms designed to   Handling problems
          dispense precise quantities of the hardener.        Any issues that arise should be promptly addressed.
                                                              Joints may require grinding and filling, while curling
            Subsequently, the floor undergoes the power floating   can often be corrected by grinding raised edges.
          process, executed with ride-on machines that can be   Delamination may necessitate opening and filling with
          connected to laser technology for utmost accuracy.   non-shrink epoxy. The key is to take action swiftly to
          Timing here is critical, as the floor must have hardened   prevent further damage.
          sufficiently to prevent the power float from sinking while
          remaining workable enough to polish the surface. This   Avoiding pitfalls
          meticulous timing ensures that the surface hardener   Beware of trying to reduce floor thickness through
          penetrates the top layers, creating a gradient of   additives. The primary concern should be achieving
          hardness that effectively thwarts delamination.     the desired floor quality, even if it requires additional
                                                              investment in concrete. In conclusion, building the perfect
            The concluding step involves allowing the concrete   industrial floor involves meticulous planning, adherence
          to undergo proper curing. This necessitates rigorous   to standards and collaboration with experienced
          control of the drying process to ensure that the top   professionals at every stage. With the right team and
          surface does not dry at a faster rate than the rest of   attention to detail, you can create a floor that meets the
          the concrete, which could lead to uneven shrinkage   highest standards of safety, efficiency and longevity.
          and undesirable curling. Concrete requires a dedicated
          curing period to both cure and shrink.                 Don’t prioritise short-term savings at the expense of
                                                              long-term benefits. Investing in your floor will not only
            Typically, the majority of shrinkage transpires   provide peace of mind, but also yield significant returns
          during the initial few months, with a continued, albeit   in the future. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                    JULY/A U GU S T 2023     25
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