Page 25 - Logistics News - July August 2023
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illumination, fostering a more favourable environment corners, leading to uneven surfaces, cracking and
for workers and boosting overall productivity. operational disruptions.
Additionally, there might be a need to impose • Cracking: The formation of cracks in the concrete,
restrictions on joint placements to ensure they do not which can weaken the floor and pose safety risks.
impede the layout of racking systems. • Rocking: Unwanted tilting or movement of concrete
slabs, often related to curling, affecting floor
Specialised applications, where immobility is stability.
imperative, such as under automated operations, • Delamination: Layers of the concrete surface
necessitate specific specifications. This extends to separating or detaching from each other,
unique scenarios like installations within refrigerated compromising structural integrity.
environments, freezers or specialised handling areas. • Non-conforming specifications: Deviations from
specified load-bearing capacities, levelness and
The subsequent phase centres on the technical flatness criteria.
design of the floor, a task entrusted to structural and
civil engineers. However, the success of this stage Addressing curling
hinges on experience, particularly an understanding of Curling in concrete floors is a common challenge
the intricacies and potential challenges that accompany influenced by factors such as concrete mix design,
these specific types of flooring projects. In practice, we curing methods, environmental conditions and
collaborate closely with the engineers to guarantee the the presence of control joints or reinforcement.
accurate application of standards such as TR34 or other Mitigation strategies include proper curing, controlled
pertinent codes. environment curing (especially in enclosed spaces)
and the use of reinforcement materials to minimise
Ultimately, the realisation of an exemplary floor differential drying and shrinking.
largely rests upon the expertise of the contractor.
It’s a stance I consistently maintain, advocating for Dealing with delamination
the engagement of a specialist floor contractor well- Delamination is a structural issue where layers of the
versed in the intricacies of industrial flooring. While concrete surface detach. It can be caused by various
floor specifications and designs adhere to scientific factors, including poor adhesion, moisture intrusion
principles, the actual construction process is an art and surface contaminants. Addressing delamination
form. Seasoned contractors bring invaluable experience, often involves surface preparation, proper curing and
insights and a nuanced understanding of the right the use of appropriate repair materials like non-shrink
supervision and techniques, all of which collectively epoxy.
contribute to the achievement of a superior floor.
Achieving the perfect floor
In the initial stages of introducing large panel floor To achieve an impeccable industrial floor, consider
construction techniques, we often relied on overseas the following steps:
specialists to oversee these projects. However, as time • Detailed specification: Define usage, loads,
has progressed, the local floor specialists have honed tolerances, surface requirements and even joint
their expertise, acquiring state-of-the-art machinery that positions. Special applications like refrigerated or
significantly enhances the quality of the final product. automated areas should also be specified.
This transition has yielded more dependable and • Technical design: Collaborate with structural and
superior floors, reflective of the maturation of the local civil engineers with experience in industrial floors to
industry in this specialised field. design a floor that meets specifications.
• Experienced contractors: Engage specialised floor
Common problems encountered contractors with a track record in industrial floors,
Apart from joint issues, industrial floors can suffer from as floor construction is both science and art.
various problems, including: • Concrete supplier selection: Choose a reliable
• Curling: The distortion of concrete slab edges or concrete supplier capable of consistently delivering
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