Page 29 - Logistics News - July August 2023
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          into consideration and view the bigger picture. You could   intangible ‘something’ that helps us tune into the kaleidoscope
          also embrace different situations and view challenges as   of human emotions and measures how adept we are at
          opportunities – mindset change is a game-changer.   adjusting our behaviour depending on the mood of a colleague,
                                                              partner, family member or our own internal feelings. EI can
          5. Emotional intelligence (EI)                      be gained and improved at any point in life. We, at The People
          Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, evaluate and   Shop, have seen how it can have a tangible improvement in
          respond to your own emotions and the emotions of others. Co-  employee engagement, resilience and stress management
          author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Travis Bradberry explains   and its effect on business productivity, success and business
          that emotional intelligence “is the other kind of smart”. It’s that   revenue and bottom line. •

         Switching ERP? Here’s what to consider

                                                 By Paul Bouchier, Sales Director at iOCO, an EOH company

         Organisations running an older enterprise resource planning (ERP) system are
         often pleasantly surprised when they see demos of the modern, easy-to-use,

         flexible and powerful ERP systems being sold today. This often propels the ‘we
         need a new ERP’ conversation.

              eading ERP vendors have invested in programmes to   drivers for ERP replacement include that the existing
              make moving to their new cloud-based ERP products   system will not scale to support business growth, that
         Leasier than it has been in the past – and they tout this   the features and capabilities needed aren’t present in
         during the sales process. But easier does not mean easy.   the existing product and are not included in the vendor’s
         Switching ERP is not like changing your cell phone provider.   near-term roadmap, and that the industry has experienced
         It is still expensive and disruptive. Whether or not to switch,   disruption. Old business models and systems are no
         and how to switch, need to be considered carefully.   longer adequate and you need to undertake a digital
                                                              transformation to stay competitive.
            When switching to a new ERP, it is important to define
         the business’s five- to10-year objectives, evaluate the   ERP functionality and technology roadmap
         ERP vendor’s roadmap and its investment in technology,   In the past, ERP suites from most major vendors were
         evaluate the latest product from the existing vendor versus   delivered as huge one-size-fits-all deployments. Some
         products from competitors and prepare the organisation for   vendors still take this approach. However, with the advent
         the move to software as a service (SaaS) ERP.        of SaaS, more ERP vendors are delivering suites tailored
                                                              to specific vertical industries to minimise the need for
            Remember that the grass is not always greener.    customisations. Consider the following points when
         Switching one ERP vendor for another will not automatically   switching ERP:
         provide the benefits you seek.
                                                                 Functionality and fit for your vertical industry. Since
         Five- to 10-year business objectives                 customisations to vendor-delivered code are no longer
         To fully realise the benefits of an ERP solution, your   permitted, organisations need to determine how much of
         company’s ERP strategy must align with your business   a fit the SaaS ERP suite is out of the box. Some vendors
         objectives. Define and document your business strategy   provide SaaS ERP tailored to vertical industries such as
         before beginning an ERP replacement process. Common   manufacturing, food and beverage, public sector, etc.

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                    JULY/A U GU S T 2023     27
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