Page 31 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 31


                                                      Smart, zero-emission bolting

                                                      solutions optimise sustainability

                                                      Mines and general industry are transforming
                                                      to automated, zero-carbon, battery-driven
                                                      machines, equipment and tools in a bid to
         Webfleet launches in Botswana                achieve their economic and environmental

                                                      goals. Atlas Copco Industrial Technique’s range
        Bridgestone’s fleet management solution, Webfleet,
                                                      of smart, high-quality bolt-tightening hardware
        is launching its third African presence in Botswana by
                                                      and software solutions contributes to the
        partnering with Kgare Digital to bring high-end tech
                                                      sustainability of these sectors across South Africa
        skills, much-needed investment and jobs to the country.
                                                      by optimising productivity and efficiencies,   Cornelius Coetzee,
        Webfleet’s partnership in Botswana joins the company’s
                                                      increasing personnel safety and shrinking carbon   Regional General
        presence in South Africa and Namibia, the first two                                 Manager at Atlas
        African markets where Webfleet started to conduct                                   Copco Industrial
        business to improve logistics client business efficiency                            Technique.
                                                         The scope of supply includes the bolting
        while contributing to the safety of road users.
                                                      tool plus two smart batteries and a smart charger; while one battery
                                                      is operational, the other can be charged from the grid or a renewable
           “Being part of Bridgestone, we recognised the
                                                      energy source. Supporting the tools are fully customisable software
        opportunity to leverage the companies’ large African
                                                      packages that offer on-screen operator instructions, weekly or monthly
        presence to expand the telematics and connected vehicle
                                                      reporting as well as more complex offerings such as remote viewing and
        solutions we provide as well,” says Webfleet South Africa
                                                      automatic torque setting selection.
        Sales Director, Justin Manson. “With three markets now
        offering dedicated resources to transport and logistics
                                                         Regional General Manager at Industrial Technique Cornelius Coetzee
        customers in those markets, it’s the right time to expand
                                                      says that mobile capital equipment operating in the stringent plant and
        in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
                                                      mine environments requires regular maintenance or repairs. “When
                                                      these machines and equipment have to be moved off-site, productivity
                                                      takes a dive.” It is subsequently vital that the necessary maintenance
           Telematics will provide a similar service to what is
                                                      or repair work is completed as fast as possible. By switching to a smart
        being offered in Namibia, from basic vehicle tracking
                                                      bolting tool solution, customers will benefit from improved efficiency,
        to comprehensive fleet management, including
                                                      accuracy and safety. Coetzee explains that Industrial Technique’s range
        live diagnostic data collection and real-time route
                                                      of bolting tools is calibrated in its local in-house laboratory in accordance
        optimisation. Additional advanced solutions, like onboard
                                                      with OEM specifications using reference equipment that meets South
        cameras and other hardware will be brought in on an
                                                      African (SANAS) and global standards. “What this means is that each
        as-needed basis or from customer requests. Customers
                                                      bolt can be tightened accurately with only a single pull of the trigger as
        can expect to see improvements in fuel and maintenance
                                                      opposed to multiple attempts. By even just halving the time means that
        costs, safer drivers and road users, and a boost in
                                                      two machines can effectively be assembled in the same time it would
                                                      have taken to complete a single unit. Mines and plants can get back into
                                                      operation in half the time, doubling their productivity.”
           In Botswana, Webfleet has partnered with Kgare
        Digital, the on-the-ground team that will provide sales
                                                         In addition, Industrial Technique’s software solutions work in parallel
        capabilities, training and delivery of services. Kgare
                                                      with the hardware. The fully customisable bolting tool software system
        Digital’s General Manager, Malebogo Busang, says the
                                                      makes it possible to view and identify machinery located anywhere in the
        investment by Webfleet will not only provide quality
                                                      country and see how many bolts need loosening and/or tightening from
        jobs in the sector, but see the beginning of a new sector.
                                                      Industrial Technique’s Gauteng facility.
        “I think we are at a good state of readiness from a sales
        perspective and we already have a team of technicians, IT
                                                         Industrial Technique’s ‘easy start’ programme trains operators on
        support, finance and other admin functions,” Busang says.
                                                      the optimal use of the tools. The training team also spends time on the
        “Tracking services are still very new to the market, so this
                                                      job site, addressing operator expectations and ensuring that they are
        team will be part of the vital journey to build advanced
                                                      comfortable with the tools. •
        capabilities in telematics and the logistics sector. •
          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                         M A RC H/A P R IL 2023              29
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