Page 29 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 29

         Hybrid RTG retrofit for Baltic Hub

         The Baltic Hub, formerly DCT                                      braking that would otherwise be wasted.
         Gdansk, has commissioned Liebherr                                 The stored energy is then deployed
         Container Cranes Ltd. to retrofit                                 during the hoisting cycle to reduce the
         a hybrid green energy storage                                     overall demand on the genset, allowing
         solution on one of its Liebherr                                   for a reduction in fuel consumed and
         rubber type gantry cranes (RTGs).                                 a reduction in emissions. Dual layer
         The terminal has 18 Liebherr RTGs                                 capacitors are capable of rapidly charging
         at the port and the initial purchase   Liebherr RTG at the Baltic Hub, Poland.  and discharging many times without
         will allow the Baltic Hub to assess                               a drop in performance, making them
         the technology with a view to further retrofitting its fleet of   an ideal solution for applications requiring high power and
         Liebherr RTGs with the system.                    short-duration energy storage, such as that found in container
            The retrofit sees the addition of a Liduro energy storage
         system along with exchanging the existing 13L genset with   By utilising this innovative technology, the RTG crane
         a smaller 8L genset. This will allow the RTG to operate at the   will have access to reliable, high-power energy during peak
         same speed and productivity, whilst reducing operating costs   demand periods. The system is modular and depending on the
         and delivering substantial environmental benefits, including a   operational requirements of the port, single or multiple units
         reduction in emissions and carbon footprint.      may be installed on a single RTG.

            At the heart of the system is the Liduro LES 200, a   The Liduro energy storage system is available on new
         capacitor system designed and developed by Liebherr-  Liebherr RTGs or can be retrofitted to existing Liebherr
         Electronics and Drives GmbH. The system is designed to   RTGs through Liebherr specialist retrofit and upgrade teams,
         capture and store energy generated during hoist lowering and   Liebherr Transform. •

         RCL Foods to sell Vector Logistics business for R1.25bn

         Danish fund manager A.P. Moller Capital has finalised a deal to
         acquire frozen logistics operator Vector Logistics from South
         African food producer RCL Foods for R1.25-billion. Vector
         Logistics is a prominent South African frozen logistics operator
         providing multi-temperature warehousing and distribution,
         supply chain intelligence and sales and merchandising solutions.

            In a joint statement, the companies said that the purchase by   for greater impact.“Given our vision of transforming the
         A.P. Moller Capital provides Vector Logistics with an opportunity   logistics industry, A.P. Moller Capital would be able to help us
         to accelerate its mission of  ‘Going Beyond’ in supply chain   move up the supply chain maturity curve, particularly from a
         expertise and logistics services, including expanding further   technological perspective, to support growth and to support a
         afield to meet growing demand in Africa.          strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda to
                                                           ensure a sustainable future for our business and its people.”
            Paul Cruickshank, CEO of RCL Foods, comments: “We
         believe that A.P. Moller Capital is the ideal custodian to support   Joe Nielsen, Partner at A.P. Moller Capital, adds: “Vector
         Vector Logistics’ success because of its extensive operational   Logistics’ reliable operations enable maintenance of the cold
         and investment track record in Africa and the infrastructure   chain for food products, which increases shelf life and reduces
         sector and the strong alignment between the parties’ respective   food waste. We see a growth opportunity for Vector Logistics
         ways of working, business values and transformational focus. In   and we believe that our experience and our network will help to
         addition, this is an important step for RCL Foods in our journey   drive this growth.”
         to reshape the portfolio.”                                                                          L O GI S T I CS NEWS
                                                             The implementation of the sale is subject to approval by
            According to Vector Logistics’ MD, Chris Creed, having the   the relevant competition authorities and the South African
         backing of A.P. Moller Capital provides significant potential   Reserve Bank. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                    M A RC H/A P R IL 2023   27
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