Page 27 - Logistics News - March_April 2023
P. 27
CHEP recognised as a leader in the circular economy
Brambles, a global leader in supply chain solutions to build on oursustainable circular model to pursue a
operating locally through the CHEP brand, has been regenerative vision.”
recognised as one of the world’s most sustainable
companies for the third consecutive year. The company “Our intent as a nature-positive company is driven
climbed to third place on Corporate Knights’ Global largely by our efforts to create smarter and more
100 list for 2023, which was announced at the World sustainable supply chains. Being named the world’s
Economic Forum conference in Davos, Switzerland. Marietjie Brown, third most sustainable company bears testament to our
Sustainability commitment to providing scalable solutions for a resource
Launched in 2005, the annual ranking by Corporate and Government constrained world,” adds Marietjie Brown, Sustainability
Knights assesses and compares 6,720 of the world’s Affairs Lead for and Government Affairs Lead for CHEP India, Middle East,
CHEP India,
largest publicly traded companies based on the social and Turkey and Africa.
environmental impact of their operations, revenues and Middle East,
investments. Turkey and Africa. Toby Heaps, Corporate Knights’ CEO, states:“As a
leader in carbon productivity and board diversity and
Brambles’ performance in 2023, which improved from 10 to with 100 percent sustainable investments and revenue shaping
third position in the overall global ranking, reflects the positive its business, Brambles is demonstrating how companies can reap
impact of its circular business model on global supply chains. In financial rewards while making socially and environmentally
South Africa, this circular model has come to life through CHEP’s responsible business decisions. As the transition to a sustainable
collaborative ‘share and reuse’ approach, which aims to move more economy ramps up, Global 100 companies like Brambles are in the
with less, thus creating working solutions to the prevalent waste lead and positioned for continued success in the future.”
problem in the world.
In December, Brambles also reconfirmed its continued support
Graham Chipchase, Brambles Chief Executive Officer, says: “The of the UN Global Compact, integrating these principles into its
release of our 2025 Sustainability Strategy signalled our intention business strategy, culture and daily operations. •
Bolloré Africa Logistics rebrands to Africa Global Logistics
Logistics company Bolloré Africa Logistics has changed its Through its network, the company designs and implements
name to Africa Global Logistics (AGL). The rebranding comes solutions adapted to the needs of its customers along the value
after Bolloré was bought out by freight and logistics group chain, including less accessible areas.
Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) in December
2022. AGL, within the MSC Group, aims to contribute to the Therefore, the company will accelerate its investments
sustainable transformation of Africa and emerging markets, to develop its capacities and facilitate the import and export
thanks to its global, customised logistics solution. of goods and will respond to the challenges of intra-African
trade, energy transition, demographic growth, improvement
As a multimodal logistics operator working in port, of the living environment and digitalisation of Africa. With its
logistics, maritime and rail in Africa, AGL seeks to participate 21,000 employees in 49 countries, the company is set to deploy
in the transformation of Africa by providing customised a development strategy that will continue to promote the SME
logistics solutions, improving the connectivity of territories ecosystem by unlocking the potential of young African talent.
and contributing to the establishment of a virtuous logistics
ecosystem for all its stakeholders. AGL will continue to provide Concerned about its environmental footprint, the company
its local and international customers with a competitive will also make sustainable investments, implement programmes
integrated logistics network. To this end, it will improve the to set up eco-responsibility in transport (Green Terminal) and
productivity of the terminals it operates to better serve all mobilise its employees, subcontractors and suppliers to reduce
of its customers.The company will also develop multimodal the impact of its activities on the environment.
logistics solutions comprising rail, road, air and river to meet
the expectations of its customers and meet the challenges of “This new brand reinforces our ambition to be a trusted
logistics. logistics partner for our customers in Africa and around the world L O GI S T I CS NEWS
while underlining our commitment to innovate and participate
AGL has over 250 logistics and maritime agencies, 22 port alongside Africa’s states and partners in the transformation of the
and rail concessions, 66 dry ports and two river terminals. continent,” says Phillippe Labonne, CEO of AGL. •
www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a M A RC H/A P R IL 2023 25