Page 24 - Logistics News - September October 2022
P. 24


               Intelligent transportation

               technologies crucial

               The local transport and logistics sector is facing numerous challenges, from volatile fuel prices to a
               continuing recovery from COVID-19-related chaos and environmental concerns. Security is another
               area of serious focus for this industry and one that is pervasive across the supply chain.

                     “       ooking at our railways, the                      2022. Truck hijackings saw the second biggest
                             Passenger Rail Agency of South
                                                                              increase in statistics, increasing at an almost
                       L Africa (PRASA) announced recently                    unthinkable 700 percent, quarter on quarter.”
                     that it spends R1 billion per year to protect
                     its infrastructure, with the local freight                  “With these sobering statistics and
                     rail network being massively impacted by                 figures in mind, it makes sense then that
                     theft and vandalism,” states Glenn Noome,                transportation and logistics organisations
                     Director at Smart Integration, a wholly owned            are increasingly turning to technology to
                     Ulwembu Business Services organisation.                  safeguard both their drivers and their cargo.
                                                                              Not only can these smart security solutions
                        Transnet advised last year that it too   Glenn Noome, Director at   help with supply chain security, but they are
                     had laid out R1.6 billion on security, having   Smart Integration.  also critical to employee health and safety, and
                     seen an increase of 177 percent in theft                 performance improvement,” he adds.
                     and damage on its lines, an issue that has severely affected its
                     ability to move critical export volumes.      The role of smart video in transport and logistics

                        “And this is not the only area of transport and logistics   According to Hikvision South Africa Solution’s Director,
                     under fire in South Africa,” Noome continues. “In June this   Eric Zhang, logistics operators are making significant
                     year, the South African Police Service (SAPS) presented the   investments in automation and digitalisation in order to
                     country’s latest crime statistics, which covered the fourth   address security concerns, improve loss prevention and
                     quarter of the 2021/22 financial year, January to March   efficiency, and reduce unit order costs.

              L O GI S T I CS NEWS

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