Page 40 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 40
Career coaching vs mentoring:
Why you may need both
By Chantal Kading, Managing Director at The People Shop
Coaching and mentoring are increasingly being recognised as two approaches that can foster
growth in the realm of personal and professional development.
hile some people may regard coaching Focus areas
and mentorship as synonymous, their Mentorship’s long-term and intimate approach makes
W methodologies, approaches and areas of it holistic. Mentors are often role models, offering
focus differ significantly. Here, we shed some light on advice, imparting wisdom and sharing their personal
the key distinctions and advantages that coaching and and professional life experiences. The focus is always
mentoring can offer. on the mentee’s long-term outlook and trajectory. The
key advantage of this approach is the fostering of both
Relationship foundation personal and professional development due to the
The foundation of mentorship is relationship building. personalised nature of the relationship.
Mentorship is more intimate and typically involves a
more personal relationship characterised by mutual Coaching, on the other hand, is all about measurable
trust. As such, the relationship is often long, allowing outcomes in the short term. It is hyper-focused on
the mentor to gain a deeper understanding of the identifying areas of improvement, developing an action
mentee, their goals and aspirations. The key advantage plan, reviewing and enhancing performance as well
is that the mentor and mentee develop a deeper bond as acquiring the necessary skills to deliver the desired
and understanding of each other, which plays an results. The key benefit is that coaching’s focus on
important role in successfully mapping out long-term measurable outcomes grounds the individual in what
goals. is possible while offering tools and techniques to help
them push beyond their perceived limitations to reach
Conversely, coaching is more formal and structured, their full potential.
taking place within a predefined time frame. Instead of
building a long-term relationship, coaches make use Direction
of various strategic questioning techniques and active Mentorship is centered around storytelling in which the
listening to help the coachee gain clarity, set short-term mentor offers the mentees perspective and guidance
goals and develop skills. The key advantage of coaching using real-life examples. Their role is more directive
is that the process is more time-efficient and results- in nature as mentors are essentially advisors – there
orientated, always focusing on what can be achieved in to offer the mentee suggestions and advice based on
the here and now. their intimate understanding of the mentee as well as
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