Page 44 - Logistics News - September October 2023
P. 44
Flexible delivery options
vital for online shoppers
Ninety-five percent of online shoppers abandon a purchase if their preferred delivery option is not
available, according to DHL eCommerce’s brand new Global Online Shopper Survey for 2023 and newly
published European Report.
o gain profound insights into their e-commerce Also important for customers is the option to redirect their
purchasing patterns, shoppers were surveyed from 10 deliveries at the last minute. Seventy-five percent of global
T countries across Europe and, for the first time, from shoppers and 72 percent of Europeans want the flexibility of
13 countries across the globe for the 2023 DHL eCommerce ensuring their parcel is delivered to another safe place when
Global Online Shopper Survey. The surveys offer insights they’re not at home.
into where and why they shop cross-border, what they buy
and spend, their attitudes to delivery and returns and why Furthermore, around two-thirds of European online shoppers
sustainability matters to online shoppers worldwide. Major want to know what delivery company handles their parcels
global markets within Europe, the Americas, Middle East and before placing an order. Forty-three percent would even abandon
Africa as well as Asia Pacific and China are covered. their cart if they didn’t like the delivery provider offered. When
looking at consumers around the world, a similar picture
“The results of our latest Online Shopper Survey indicate emerges. Seventy percent say knowing about the delivery
that delivery flexibility and transparency are crucial for company is very important and 43 percent would cancel an
customers. But sustainability is also becoming an increasingly online purchase if they didn’t trust the delivery partner. The
important issue, with almost half of the customers even willing number in regions such as the Middle East and North Africa
to accept longer delivery times. However, the willingness even rises to 61 percent. In summary, a range of delivery options
to pay more is still relatively low at 28 percent, but we are plays a crucial role for online shoppers in Europe and around the
convinced that this will also change with the growing number of world.
sustainable delivery options and solutions. Our report provides
many more valuable insights into what online retailers need Social media shopping and subscription
to pay attention to in order to ensure customer happiness and services are on the rise
how successful customer journeys can be achieved,” says Social media channels are becoming increasingly important
Pablo Ciano, CEO DHL eCommerce. as a sales channel for retailers. Seven out of 10 shoppers
worldwide use social media for shopping inspiration. China
Flexibility and plannability are key and Thailand lead the ranking regarding social media
Flexible delivery options are vital for online shoppers. Ninety- shopping. More than half of the respondents say they
five percent of shoppers around the globe report they have regularly shop on social media platforms versus a global
abandoned a purchase in the past because a preferred delivery average of 28 percent. In Europe, 48 percent of customers
option, such as home delivery or the ability to ship to parcel have purchased via social media in the past, with Facebook
lockers or parcel shops, wasn’t available. The same goes for and Instagram being the lead channels. However, TikTok
consumers in Europe. Ninety percent of European shoppers say is noticeably gaining ground here and the popularity of
they didn’t complete an online order because the goods couldn’t streaming videos makes YouTube an important player in the
be delivered to a location or at a time that suited them. social media sales market too.
42 SEP T E MB E R/O CT O B E R 2023 www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a