Page 12 - Warehouse Annual 2022
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The global pandemic has posed signifi cant challenges for supply chains across the globe, disrup� ng the fl ow of raw
materials and fi nished goods as well as highligh� ng vulnerabili� es in many opera� ons.
South African companies are certainly no stranger to disrup� on, yet it is in extraordinary � mes such as
as now that the need to adapt, innovate and respond eff ec� vely to the changing environment shines
a brilliant light on the importance of our profession and the prac� � oners that meet these
challenges daily.
We are looking for the supply chain game changers, the prac� � oners and innovators who
have made a tangible diff erence within their supply chains to share their story with the
rest of our industry. The Logis� cs Achiever Awards has showcased, recognised and
celebrated excellence in logis� cs and supply chain management for over 30 years.
We live in a truly digital age with the ability to take advantage of a variety of
media. In an industry first, each winning entry will still be highlighted in the LAA Case
Study Annual and now a 30-minute docu-style case study video will be produced for
each entry, offering greater insights into the projects through discussions with the entrants, What’s New?
on-site footage as well as final commentary from our judging panel.
Excellence All of these videos will promoted to and shared with the industry. Our aim is that these
insights will both inform and inspire our industry and reflect in more detail what our local
organisations are capable of.
Entries close on the 13 April 2022! ENCOURAGE INNOVATION CREATE AWARENESS
Encourage Logis� cs Achiever Awards Objec� ves
Innova� on
To recognise professionalism
To encourage all companies and
To create a greater awareness
organisa� ons in southern Africa
and understanding of the value
and excellence in the eff ec� ve
to review, evaluate and upgrade
applica� on of strategic, tac� cal
of eff ec� ve logis� cs and supply
their current logis� cs and supply
chain management.
and opera� onal logis� cs and
chain management prac� ces.
supply chain management
Logis� cs Achiever Awards Rewarding Excellence in Logis� cs and Supply Chain Management
principles, concepts and
prac� ces in southern Africa.
If you have a story to share,
submit your entry today, visit
or contact Karl Murray on
karl@logisti for further informati on.