Page 27 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 27


          5 fleet management

          trends for 2024

                                                             By Justin Manson, Sales Director at Webfleet

          Webfleet, Bridgestone’s globally trusted fleet management solution, has forecast
          five fleet management trends that are on the horizon for this year.

              leet management is undergoing major advances    average 5,665 litres of fuel per vehicle per year, €3,599
              and 2024 will be a decisive year in two key     (R74,893.82) in costs and 15 tons of CO  per vehicle per
         Fareas: safety and decarbonisation. In addition,     year.
          technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) applied to
          automotive will drive new challenges and opportunities   Electric trucks on South Africa’s roads will be joined
          in the sector. Here are Webfleet’s five fleet management   by vehicles powered by gas, specifically compressed
          trends that are forecast for this year:             natural gas or liquefied natural gas, and fuel cell trucks.

          1. AI in the automotive industry                    4. Smart charging for electric vehicles
          AI is revolutionising everything, from programming to   One challenge confronting companies with EVs is smart
          data management, cybersecurity and training. It also   charging. What’s the point of using EVs if recharging
          plays a crucial role in the automotive industry, advancing   is done using non-renewable energies? The market is
          issues such as autonomous driving, road safety and   starting to implement systems that ensure the use of
          user experience. This trend will continue in the coming   clean energy during the charging process of EVs. This
          months, with AI being used to train autonomous vehicles,   not only improves battery health and increases residual
          improve emergency braking systems, detect fatigue,   value, but also facilitates charging when grid costs are
          predict vehicle maintenance and optimise routes in real-  lower, leading to energy cost savings. Editor’s note: Solar-
          time, ultimately improving mobility in cities.      powered charging may be more of a necessity than a
                                                              choice here in South Africa.
          2. Sustainability
          Reducing the environmental footprint has become one   5. Fleet safety
          of the most important goals for companies globally,   The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that
          alongside meeting increasingly stringent emissions   traffic accidents result in 1.3 million fatalities and 50
          targets. Many European cities have already implemented   million injuries every year. To address this, a global
          low emission zones (LEZ) and by 2030, zero emission   strategy has been drawn up to reduce road deaths and
          zones (ZEZ) will be introduced, permitting only vehicles   injuries by at least 50 percent by 2030. The strategy
          that do not emit to circulate.                      involves establishing measures such as setting driving
                                                              and resting time limits and using in-vehicle technology to
          3. Fleet electrification                            promote safe driving styles.
          2024 will be the time to transition fleets to electric
          vehicles (EVs). Rapid technological advances, combined   Even better news is that there will be safer trucks on
          with a global commitment to sustainability, create a   South African roads in 2024 and into the future. Global
          particularly favourable environment for electrification.   truck manufacturers are constantly striving to introduce
          According to a Webfleet study on the electrification   innovative safety features. Unlike in the past where many
          potential of vehicle fleets, 61 percent of commercial   were optional extras, features such as lane guidance and
          vehicles in Europe could be replaced by an electric   collision avoidance are fast becoming standard features
          alternative. Moreover, companies with EVs save on   in the newer models. •

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