Page 25 - Logistics News - Issue 01 - 2024.indd
P. 25


          unnecessary downtime. Crystal can be used to fine-tune   response, driver identification, video camera solutions
          fleet operations, cut costs and tick all the right boxes to   and door sensors.
          always remain compliant.
                                                                  SMART integrations can seamlessly connect
            Improved customer interaction is built in by       with third-party applications that cater to your
          automatically giving a heads-up about route          specific industry needs such as activating bespoke
          delays or a detailed account of deliveries, collections   SMILE scripts, monitoring trailers, keeping an eye
          and shipment times. Crystal facilitates a way to     on temperatures in the cold chain and managing the
          build trust and credibility for customer service     integration of third-party hardware.
                                                                  Crystal by Ctrack’s unique differentiators can be
            Driver behaviour can be managed and improved       applied to any industry and are modular, allowing
          thanks to in-cab communication, navigation assistance   fleet managers to expand and scale down the
          and incident alerts. The driver app streamlines the   required functionality seamlessly as their
          driver’s workload by offering a variety of functionalities   business needs ebb and flow, meaning that you
          such as navigation, messaging, pre-trip reports and   only pay for what you need and use. Modules
          driver scoring in a single location. Productivity and   include features such as Route Planning, Electronic
          efficiency are optimised thanks to job scheduling and   Proof of Delivery, Job Management, Analytics and
          route planning, rich fleet analytics, SMART integration   Live In-cab Cameras.
          and the live productivity dashboard.
                                                                  “Harnessing the power of telematics, tracking
            The way vehicles are used has a direct effect on your   and data analytics is no longer reserved for big
          bottom line and Crystal facilitates fuel consumption   businesses with massive fleets, but can lead to
          monitoring, engine performance monitoring via CAN    significant advantages, especially for small and
          Bus, cold chain monitoring and a 24/7 bureau service,   medium-sized businesses (SMEs). Ctrack offers a
          allowing you to easily manage usage daily.           wide variety of functionality that is available when
                                                               you need it, all from one easy-to-use platform, making
            Safety and security are guaranteed thanks to       it the ideal partner for surviving this ever-changing
          a variety of features including 24/7 stolen vehicle   industry,” concludes Jordt. •

          www .l o g ist i csn e w s .c o .z a                                       I S S UE 01 – 2024    23
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